Browsing Landscape Architecture by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 123
Pengembangan SDM Perbenihan Menunjang Revitalisasi Pertanian
(2005-11-23)Pertanian industri yang beriorientasi sebagai produsen bahan baku industri di desa tidak lagi hanya berproduksi hasil pertanian tanpa bertargetkan volume sesuai persyaralan industri, tanpa standar kualitas sesuai persyaralan ... -
Pengenalan Hama Utama dan Potensial tanaman Jarak Pagar (Jatropha curcas Linn.)
(2006)Pengenalan 5erangga hama atau identifikasi hama 5angat berg una dalam monitoring popuJasi hama untuk menentukan ambang ekonomi yang membantu dalam pengambilan keputusan serta tindakan pengendalian. Serain itu tujuan dari ... -
Penggunaan Protektan Nabati untuk Menekan Hama Callosobruchus maculatus dan Memepertahankan viabilitas Benih Kacang Panjang dalam Penyimpanan
(2006)Benih kacang panjang mudah terserang hama gudang Caflosobruchus maculatus selama penyimpanan yang mengakibatkan benih rusak dan menurun viabilitasnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan bahan protektan nabati yang ... -
Komersialisasi Varietas Unggul dan Perbenihan Kedelai di Indonesia
(2006-11)Luas panen kedelai nasional dalam dekade terakhir terus menurun sangat tajam. Hal ini memerlukan perhatian dan pengkajian permasalahan serta upaya pemecahannya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan informasi ... -
Pengujian Kevigoran Kultivar Nangka terhadap kekeringan untuk dijadikan Tanaman batang Bawah Nangka Asal Sulawesi Tengah
(2006-12)The objective ofthis n:scard1 was to li1d out the jackfruit cultivar that may be able to grow with ground water lower of lower than the field capacity. The experiment was designed with a factorial randamized block design ... -
Plant diversity in homegardens in a socio-economic and agro-ecological context
(2007)Homegardens are generally regarded as a very complex, species-rich agI'oforestry system managed in a sustainable manner over decades or even centuries. In many densely populated tropical regions, homegardens appear to be ... -
Study on The Roof Garden Development at Metropolitan in Relation to Urban Heat Islan Mitigation (Case Study: DKI Jakarta)
(2007-08-09)Jakarta is weIl known as a metropolitan city which is still growing up, characterized by physical construction and reducing green areas. This phenomenon increases the problems of heat island. and in tum decreases urban ... -
Identification of Improved variety and commercialization of soybean (Glycine max), Corn (Zea mays), and Tomato (Licopersicum esculentum)
(2007-09)The objectives of this study wete to identify improved variety, seed commercialiiation, and some factors that affected the adoption of new varieties of soybean, rom and tomato. This study was conduded on Apd 10 July 2005 ... -
Rencana penataan lanskap gunung kapur cibadak untuk ekowisata di kecamatan Ciampea kabupaten Bogor
(2008)Ecotourism is a nature-based tourism that is ecologically sustainable and is based on relatively undisturb natural areas, is non-damaging and non degrading, contibues directly to the continued protection and management of ... -
Revitalisasi Pekarangan sebagai Agroekosistem dalam Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan di Wilayah Perdesaan
(2008)Indonesian pekarangan (homestead garden) is one of typical agro-ecosystem that has multi-functions. These functions can be defined as the capacity of pekarangan in providing goods and services. Some typical example of ... -
The Potency of Glodog China Town Historical Landscape for Tourism Development
(2008)China town in Glodok district is one of the landscapes evident that contribute to the form of the present Jakarta Metropolitan City until now. This district is still famous as commercial or trading area and having unique ... -
22 Desain Taman Jepang
(2008) -
Identifikasi Pola Tanam Pada Praktek Agroforestri Di Daerah Aliran Sungai Cianjur
(2008-03)A study'ad been conducted to analyze cropping pattern of agroforestry in three zone of Cianjur watershed. Those three zones were the upper stream (> 1000 m asl), the middle stream (300-1000 m asl) and the down stream ... -
Ecological Legal Aspects For Suistanable Riparian Landscape Management in Sempur Area, Bogor City, Indonesia
(2009)Ecological landscape management for a riparian zone of Ciliwung River at Sempur and its surrounding is aimed to establish sustainability. Cili~vungR iver flows along 119 Km from the head water area in Telaga Warna, Puncak ... -
Agriculture profile and sustainability in Okinawa Prefecture Japan and East Java Province of Indonesia and its future development
(2009)East Java Province’s agricultural profile from the past 20 years identified the change in crop varieties which cultivate all over the rice field area. The accelerating agricultural intensification over the past 20 years ... -
Dynamic Model for Settlement Area Management In the Upper Stream of Ciliwung Watershed, Bogor District - Indonesia
(2009)Ciliwung watershed is one cjf the most critical watersheds in West Java Province. The upper stream of Ciliwung watershed lie: in the Rogor District, which is an important function for the surroimding areas. The upper stream ... -
Carbon Reserve Estimation of Trees in the City Greenery IOpen Spaces (GOS) in East Jakarta Municipality Using Landsat Imagery
(2009)At the end of this decade, the earth's temperature raised up to 9.6 O C . The main factor that is considered as the driver of global warming is the increasing of green house gas ccncentr&ion in the atmosphere, i.e carbon ... -
GIS-Based Habitat Model of Javan Hawk-Eagle (Spizaetus Bartelsi) Using Inductive Approach in Java Island, Indonesia
(2009)The Javan Hawk-Eagle (JHE) is categorized in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species (CITES Appendix 2) as one of the world’s rarest and most endangered raptors in the remaining original natural forests of Java, Indonesia. ... -
Aplication of Urban Greenery in Historial Open Space of Jakarta Old City
(2009)Jaksta Old City has strong historical value as a genesis of the city today. Along with the growth and development of the city, Jakarta Old City area has undergone many changes that gradually Iost its essential characteristics ...