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dc.contributor.advisorHidayat, Aceng
dc.contributor.authorMega, Lusi Dara
dc.description.abstractCidahu District is one buffer zones of Mount Salak Forest which has quite large groundwater potential. Groundwater of Cidahu District has become the source for commercial and non comercial uses, such as to fulfill the needs of fresh water for companies and local society. Continuous utilization in large quantity will potentially cause damage to the environment, for example decrease in quantity and quality of groundwater that can be used by the society. Decrease in the quantity of groundwater is indicated have causing the economic losses to society. Therefore, groundwater management policy base on synergy among stakeholders becomes very important in order to regulate the use of groundwater to be equitable and sustainable. The estimation result by using replacement cost approach demonstrates the potential economic losses experienced by the local community of Cidahu District due to the quantity of groundwater, reached Rp. 696.756.900 per year. The result of stakeholders mapping shows that Department of Mines, Energies, and Mineral Resources of Sukabumi Regency held the most important role in managing groundwater utilization in Cidahu District. Based on the results of policy analysis, taxes and licensing policy instruments have not used optimally in order to control groundwater utilization by the companiesen
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectstakeholder analysisen
dc.subjectreplacement costen
dc.subjectpolicy analysien
dc.subjectground water,en
dc.titleAnalisis Kebijakan Pengelolaan dan Pemanfaatan Air Tanah di Kecamatan Cidahu Kabupaten Sukabumien

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