Levels of Adoption Articles Topic and Communication Effects of Agricultural Magazine (The Case Study Readers Trubus Magazine in South Jakarta).
Tingkat Adopsi Artikel Topik dan Efek Komunikasi Majalah Pertanian (Kasus Pembaca Majalah Trubus di Jakarta Selatan)
The mass media in developing countries has a large role to support development. Development will work faster if supported by mass media. The mass media creates awareness, provides informations, and direct informations for the purposes of educations and extensions. Besides the mass media can motivate and mobilize communities to participate in development. The mass media also contributed agricultural innovations diffuse to communities. According to the diffusion of innovations theory, communicator who obtains message to the mass media, likely to have stronger influence towards others. Diffusions is the process by which invention are disseminated by people who are member of social system. The purpose of this study is to determine the levels of adoption of articles Topic among the Trubus Magazine readers in South Jakarta, in order to know the effect of communication Trubus Magazine, understand the factors which affect the levels of adoption of innovation toward Trubus Magazine readers. The study was designed as a research survey that is descriptive correlational variables by observing the reading frequency, exposure, income levels, education, and adoption of articles Topic. Respondents of this study are readers of Trubus Magazine in South of Jakarta. Based on the data of Distribution Department Trubus Magazine, there are 308 readers in South Jakarta until February 2011. The samples of this study are 76 readers. The data was collected by questionnaires and interviews: (1) an overview the characteristic of respondents, (2) the exposure of Topic of Trubus Magazine, (3) communication effect associated of cognitive, affective effect, and behavioral effect (4) adoption of innovations levels. Data analysis and processing characteristic of the relationship using the Spearman correlation formula. The results showed that (1) the distribution of respondents according to observable characteristics seems to vary, (2) top tree commodities on 7 others which are prefered by respondents as a topic are fruit (18.4%), traditional medicines (15.7%), and plantation (14,7%). (3) in relation to cognitive effects, the knowledge respondents are increased. Likewise the affective, respondents are better, (4) The most widely adopted innovation by respondents is the biopori technology one of the methods applied in rain water harvesting, (5) There is relation between exposure and knowledge and attitudes.
- MT - Human Ecology [2233]