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Pendugaan nilai komponen neraca energi di kanopi hutan tanaman agathis loranthifolia dengan menggunakan satelit optik (Studi kasus Hutan Gunung Walat Sukabumi)

dc.contributor.advisorRisdiyanto, Idung
dc.contributor.authorTria Rakhdiana Y.
dc.description.abstractThe process of absorption, reflection and transmission of radiation at the plant area will cause changes in the spectrum of solar radiation at the top, middle and bottom canopy (June, 1993). Next Odum (1970) suggests that many plants that grow in the shade of other plants which will be the quality of different spectral direct solar radiation, which causes a reduction in the amount of radiation received by the leaf surface compared with those leaves receiving direct solar radiation. This situation has important implications for the plants that grow beneath a thick canopy such as: the plants in the forest floor. This study tries to apply satellite remote sensing techniques and combined with the capture of field data have been processed before by using GLA software (Gap Light Analyzer) to estimate the value of the transmitted radiation by the canopy of plants. Value of net radiation received by the canopy of the forest areas of 51 Wm-2, the value of short-wave radiation reflected by the canopy of the forest areas of 48 Wm-2. The value range of the transmitted radiation calculations using GLA software is for 19% of short-wave radiation coming. This value is the direct radiation into the forest canopy with no obstructed by canopy cover. Determining the value of the transmitted radiation is strongly influenced by the quality of the image so that the required use of digital cameras that have lenses with a high acuity.en
dc.subjectEnergy Balanceen
dc.subjectGap Light Analyzeren
dc.titleValue estimation of energy balance components in agathis loranthifolia plantation forest canopy using satellite optics (Case study of Mount Forest Walat Sukabumi)en
dc.titlePendugaan nilai komponen neraca energi di kanopi hutan tanaman agathis loranthifolia dengan menggunakan satelit optik (Studi kasus Hutan Gunung Walat Sukabumi)

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