Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Analisis Kurva Pertumbuhan Domba Garut dan Persilangannya 

      Data of body weight of Garut sheep and its crossbreds of 488 head, consist of 149 head of Garut sheep, 115 head of St. Croix X Garut (HG), 68 head of Mouton Charollais X Garut (MG), 101 head of MG X HG (MHG) and 55 head ...
    • Keunggulan Relatif Produksi Susu Domba Garut dan Persilangannya 

      INOUNU, I. | SUKMAWATI, S. | NOOR, R.R (2006)
      Garut sheep (GG) is one of some native sheep that had been well known to the people of West Java. These sheep have some advantages including their ability to produce multiple birth, reach sexual maturity faster and resistant ...
    • Tingkah Laku Beranak Domba Garut dan Persilangannya dengan St. Croix dan Moulton Charollais 

      INOUNU, ISMETH | W. KURNIAWAN, W. | NOOR, R. R. (2006)
      Lamb mortality is highly related to ewe behavior at lambing. The purpose of this research was to study ewe lambing behavior and lamb behavior after birth of Garut (GG) sheep and its crosses with St. Croix (HH) and Moulton ...