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dc.contributor.advisorIskandar,Mokhamad Dahri
dc.contributor.authorRohanah, Siti
dc.description.abstractThe objective of the research was to determine effectiveness of the use of tubalar lamp with reflector to catch fish by using bagan apung. This research applied an experimental fishing method for one unit of bagan apung. It was taken at Palabuhanratu bay in August to September 2010. The treatment used both tubular lamp with reflector and tubular lamp without reflector were continuously treated then compared their catches. The measuring of the value of light illumination used two mediums, water and air then compared them. The highest value of light illumination was tubular lamp with reflector about 162,5 lux, in water medium and 562 lux in air medium, while the value of light illumination for tubular lamp without reflector was about 54,5 lux in water medium and 184 lux in air medium. The maximum illumination was accumulated by the light that bounce back from the edge of reflector and the light beam itself. The catchs had been increased after treated tubular lamp with reflector. The operation of bagan apung used silver reflector producing catchs a weight of 95,5 kg, it was more higher than tubular lamp without reflector a weight of 65,1 kg. The catch type had more variation, such as mackerel (Rastreliger sp), tembang fish (Sardinella fimbriata), tuna (Auxis thazard), pomfret (Pampus argentus), squid (Loligo sp), anchovy (Stolephorus sp), layur fish (Trichiurus sp), and small shrimp (Mysis sp). At the most catch there were tembang fish a weight of 21,8 kg for tubular lamp without reflector and 44 kg for tubular lamp with reflector. The catch of tubular lamp with reflector had more economic value than tubular lamp without reflector. The dominant catch type were tembang fish and promfet. Then they were followed by mackerel, tuna, and squid. On the other hand, anchovy and small shrimp could not be catched by the tubular lamp with reflector due to there were many predators and the research time was not right time, anchovy and small shrimp were not in season.en
dc.subjectBogor Agricultural University (IPB)en
dc.subjectvalue of illuminationen
dc.subjecttubular lampen
dc.subjectBagan apungen
dc.titleStudi Pendahuluan Penggunaan Lampu Tabung Bereflektor terhadap Hasil Tangkapan Bagan Apungen

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