Browsing Nutritional Sciencies and Feed Technology by Title
Now showing items 196-215 of 221
Teknik bioflokulasi alcaligenes latus pada industri tapioka untuk mengurangi pencemaran lingkungan
(2010)Almost all of the tapioca industries in Bogor are small scale industries and have not implemented the cleaner production practices yet. Results of the survey showed that careless in discharging process of solid and liquid ... -
The Characteristic of Phytase Enzyme From Beef Cattle Rumen Liquor Obtained From Abattoir
(2009-11-23)ABSTRACT The aim of this experiment is to utilize the liquor of rumen cattle from abattoir as feed additive, as source of phytase enryme, to increase the quality of broiler ration based on local feed materials. ... -
The Effect Of Dietary Vitamin E And Zinc (Zn) Levels On Performances Of Laying Ducks Egg Quality Stored At Different Temperature During 21 Days
(2015-09)Egg‟s yolk contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid that easily oxidized during storage, so it needs to be protected. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of feeding Zn and vitamin E fortified diets on ... -
The Effect of Different Levels of Fish-Cassava Silage Addition in Ration on Local Duck Egg Quality
(2009)The objective of tills experiment was to study the effect of different levels of fishcassava silage addition in ration on local duck egg quality. The experiment was con-. .ducted in Research Field of Poultry NutritionLaboratory ... -
(2015-09)Aquatic macrophytes, such as Azolla pinnata has a wide range of adaptation in growth and fast yield time. This plant has high nitrogen fixation ability and potency as high protein forage. The aim of this research was to ... -
The Evaluation of Rumen Metabolism of Fries Holstein (Fh) Calves Fed Biofermented Cocoa Pods Using Phanerochaete Chrysosporiumı
(2009)An in vivo experiment was conducted to evaluate cocoa pods to substitute forages for ruminant. The experiment was carried out using latin square design on 5 head of FH calves with 5 treatments and 5 replications. Ration ... -
The solubilization of macrominerals and ruminals degradation of selected tropical tree legumes
(2009)A research /0 smdy about macramineral solubilities and biodegradation ofsome tree legumes by rumen microbes has been conducted. The legumes of Pteracarpus indirus (PI), Sesbania grodifloro (SG), Gliricidia septum (GS). ... -
The solubilization ofmacrominerals and ruminal degradationä± of selected tropical tree legumesä±
(2009)A research to study about macromineral solubilities and biodegradation of some tree legumes by rumen microbes has been conducted. The legumes of ptercarpus indicus (PI). Sesbania gradifora (SG). Gricidia sepium (GS). ... -
The Study of Jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis) Addition on the Performance of Rats as Animal Model
(2015-09)The purpose of this study was to examine the addition of Jack Bean (Canavaliaensiformis) in the diet to performances of rats (Rattusnovergicus) as an anima! models to predict post-ruminal absorption. This study useds a ... -
Toksisitas Racun Bungkil Biji Jarak Pagar (Jatropha curcas L.) pada Ayam Broiler
(2010)The increasing of Jatropha curcas L. cultivation as raw material of biodiesel in Indonesia leads to increase Jatropha curcas meal as byproduct. Besides being a source of oil, Jatropha also provides a meal which may serve ... -
Uji bakteri toleran tanin dan pengaruh inokulasinya terhadap mikroba rumen ternak kambing berpakan Kaliandra (Calliandra calothyrsus)
(2000)Three stage experimental trials have been carried out to investigate the ability of tannin tolerant bacteria in reducing tannin concentration and in improving the utilization of calliandra as ruminants feed. The first trial ... -
Uji bioassay limbah cair tapioka dengan penambahan Bioflokulan Alcaligenes latus terhadap ikan nila
(2010)Tapioca industry is one of the agroindustries which is distributed in many places in Indonesia. The activity of tapioca industry usually creates environmental pollution, due to its solid, liquid and gas wastes. Therefore, ... -
Uji biokimia
(2010) -
Uji biokimia awal
(2010) -
Uji Daya Simpan dan Palatabilitas Wafer Ransum Komplit Pucuk dan Ampas Tebu untuk Sapi Pedet
(2008)Sprout sugar cane and bagasse represent result from other side of agricultural waste which is potential enough in West Java. This research was aimed to study of physical wafer complete ration based on sugar cane sprout and ... -
Uji Sifat Fisik Ransum Ayam Broiler Bentuk Pellet yang ditambahkan Perekat Onggok melalui Proses Penyemprotan Air
(2006)Pellet is a kind of solidified and mechanically compressed feed. Problem frequently rise is that pellet shape is easily damaged, brittle, and broken during production, transportation and storage processing. The purpose ...