Browsing Nutritional Sciencies and Feed Technology by Title
Now showing items 208-221 of 221
Uji bakteri toleran tanin dan pengaruh inokulasinya terhadap mikroba rumen ternak kambing berpakan Kaliandra (Calliandra calothyrsus)
(2000)Three stage experimental trials have been carried out to investigate the ability of tannin tolerant bacteria in reducing tannin concentration and in improving the utilization of calliandra as ruminants feed. The first trial ... -
Uji bioassay limbah cair tapioka dengan penambahan Bioflokulan Alcaligenes latus terhadap ikan nila
(2010)Tapioca industry is one of the agroindustries which is distributed in many places in Indonesia. The activity of tapioca industry usually creates environmental pollution, due to its solid, liquid and gas wastes. Therefore, ... -
Uji biokimia
(2010) -
Uji biokimia awal
(2010) -
Uji Daya Simpan dan Palatabilitas Wafer Ransum Komplit Pucuk dan Ampas Tebu untuk Sapi Pedet
(2008)Sprout sugar cane and bagasse represent result from other side of agricultural waste which is potential enough in West Java. This research was aimed to study of physical wafer complete ration based on sugar cane sprout and ... -
Uji Sifat Fisik Ransum Ayam Broiler Bentuk Pellet yang ditambahkan Perekat Onggok melalui Proses Penyemprotan Air
(2006)Pellet is a kind of solidified and mechanically compressed feed. Problem frequently rise is that pellet shape is easily damaged, brittle, and broken during production, transportation and storage processing. The purpose ... -
Urea treated cocoa pod as barley grain substitution in ruminant ration on microbial metabolism and feed degradation (rusitec study)
(2009)Limitedsustainablesupply ofhighqualityfeedstuffisthemajorconstrain inruminantproduction in Indonesia. Aim 10 convert underutilized cocoa pod 10 quality feedstuff and lts inclusion in ruminant ration have been done. Cocoa ... -
The use of polyethylene glycol (PEG) to increase fermentability of Acacia angustissima and Acacia villosa
(2011)This experiment was carried out with an aim for increasing fermentability and digestibility of Acacia angustissima and A, villosa by using polyethylene glycol (PEG) at different levels. The levels of PEG supplemented to ... -
Utilization of methanol extracted of mermga and mulberry leaves to evaluate energy and protein balance of nile tilapia
(2010)from animal such as fish meal and waste of.fishety industries. The price afanimal protein like fish meal is quite expensive and tttat ingredient offeed has competitive problem with human food. Plant protein like legume ... -
Utilizing Potential Soil Microorganisms, Humic Acid, Grasses and Legumes Forages in Marginal and Degraded Lands in Indonesia
(2009)Marginal and degraded lands in Indonesia are considerably extensive and include many kinds of soil, for instance acid soil and post mining soil. The efforts which can be conducted are the use of biological fertilizers, ... -
Variasi produksi volatile fatty acids pada ransum ruminansia dengan kandungan NDF berbeda (variation in volatile fatty production of Ruminant diet varying in their NDF Levels)
(2011)An In vitro trial was been conducted to study the variation in VFA production of ruminant diets composed of various agriculture industrial byproduct and indicated protein and TDN content of 18% and 70% respectively. NDF ...