Birth Control Strategies for the Improvement of Economic and Social Development in West Lampung Regency
West Lampung Regency based on Penta/aka KB (training and workshop on family planning) in Bali in 2008, has the birth rate of 2,84 and BPS (2008) has 61,79 percent of its population is poor. This will become an obstacle to its continous social and economic development. The purposes of the study were: 1) to analyse relationship of factor-factor socio economic (education level, women participation in working, age of first marriage, family planning and income level) with birth rate 2) to analyse difference of birth rate between poor families and non-poor ones 3) arrange the direction of birth control strategies to improvement social and economic development in West Lampung Regency The study was conducted in West Lampung Regency on November-December 2008. This study used correlation analysis and t-test analYSis. The choosing of birth control strategies to improvement social and economic development using Analytical Hierrarchy Process (AHP) The results showed that there are 1) no relationship between educational level and birth rate 2) no relationship between women participation in working with birth rate 3) no relationship between age for the first marriage with birth rate and 4). there is a relationship between partiCipation in family planning with birth rate 5) there is a relationship exists between income level with birth rate 6) no difference in birth rate between poor families and non-poor ones. The social dan cultural problems found in the study were an ideal family is perceived as having three until four children, a family must have children of certain gender types, marriage at too young age, and low value of children, i.e. they are viewed as factor of production in the family. Results of AHP analysis for designed program indicate that birth control strategies for improvement of socio-economic development in West Lampung Regency should include: 1) contruction of entrepreneurship, 2) improvement of education facilities and basis facilities 3) improvement of education acces of formal xenon 4) supply of contraception devices 5) improvement of institutional exsistence 6) empowerment of family economic and 7) socialization and advocacy.
- MT - Professional Master [887]