Browsing Faculty of Agricultural Technology by Author "Tambunan, Armansyah H."
Now showing items 1-14 of 14
Comparison of Biodiesel Production by Conventional and Superheated Methanol Vapor Technologies Using Life Cycle Assessment Method
Rosmeika | Yuwono, Arief Sabdo | Tambunan, Armansyah H. (2014) -
Desain dan Uji Teknis Alat Pengukur Nilai Dielektrik Berdasarkan Metoda Q-Meter
Tambunan, Armansyah H. | Suyanto, Nugroho A | Harmen (2000)Dielectric heating has received a lot of attention recently. Microwave heating, however, has the problem of noticeable hot and cold spots within a food. Radio frequency (RF) has the potential to overcome this problem because ... -
Karakteristik Pembekuan Vakum Pulp Markisa
Tambunan, Armansyah H. | Rohanah, Ainun | Purwanto, Y. Aris (2003)Pemilihan metode pembekuan merupakan salah satu aspek yang penting, khususnya dari sisi keteknikan. Pembandingan karakteristik pembekuan dan mutu produk yang dibekukan dengan berbagai metoda dapat digunakan untuk keperluan ... -
Peluang Pemanfaatan Panas Buang Gasifikasi untuk Produksi Biodiesel secara Non-Katalitik
Tambunan, Armansyah H. | Purwanto, Y. Aris (2007)Pembuatan biodiesel secara non-katalltik merupakan altematif proses yang sedang diteliti untuk menghindari penggunaan katalis, peningkatan efisiensi proses dan penurunan biays produksi. Proses non-katalitik yang sedang ... -
Penentuan Nilai Konduktivitas Panas dan Permeabilitas Uap Air pada Lapisan Kering Daging Sapi Giling Selama Proses Pengeringan Beku
Widodo, Mukti | Tambunan, Armansyah H. (2010)Freeze drying has had a gr2at impact upon the the production of dehydrated food because of the superior quality of the product obtained. However, the process is only feasible if the cost of production can be lowered by ... -
Penentuan Rasio Panas Jenis (Cp/Cv) untuk Gas N2 dan H2
Trisasiwi, Wiludjeng | Wulandani, Dyah | Abdullah, Kamaruddin | Tambunan, Armansyah H. (1998)The ratio of specific heat capacity, at constant pressure to that at constant volume (clc,), of a gas can be determined by either the adiabatic expansion method or the sound velocity method The objective of this experiment ... -
Penentuan Rasio Panas Jenis (CpCv) untuk Gas N2 dan H2
Trisasiwi, Wilidjeng | Wulandani, Dyah | Abdullah, Kamaruddin | Tambunan, Armansyah H. (1998)The ratio of specifc heat capacity, at constant presszrre to that at constant volume (cdc,J, of a gas can be determined by either the adiabatic expansion method or the sound velocity method. The objective of this experiment ... -
Penerapan Sistem Pendinginan Evaporatif untuk Penanganan Pasca Panen Hasil Pertanian (Aplication of Evaporative Cooling System for post harvest Handling of Agricultural Procucts)
Tambunan, Armansyah H. | Rismawan, Hedi R. | Silalahi, Isabella (1999)Post harvest handling and treatment of agricultural prodz~ct is extremely important in maintaining all of the possible qzralify of the prodzilrct. Most of the product needs to be handled and treated at low temperature. ... -
Pengaruh Arus Luaran LRC pada Metoda Q-Meter terhadap Hasil Pengukuran Nilai Sifat Dielektrik di Sekitar Frekuensi Radio
Harmen | Tambunan, Armansyah H. (2003)Various measuring method of dielectric properties has been studied by researchers, one of wich is the Booton 160-A O-meter operated within the radio frequency range. Determination of dielectric properties by the O-meter ... -
Pengaruh Laju Pembekuan dan Suhu Permukaan Bahan terhadap Waktu Pengeringan Beku Daging Sapi Giling
Lisnawati, Yulia | Tambunan, Armansyah H. (1997)Freeze drying of food materials is a time and energy consuming process, hence a high cost process. The drying rate is limited by heat and mass transfer process within the dried portion of the product. In order to improve ... -
Rancang Bangun Alat dan Pengukuran Nilai Dielektrik pada Kisaran Frekuensi Radio
Harmen | Tambunan, Armansyah H. | Hartulistiyoso, Edy | Subrata, I Dewa Made (2001)Dielectric properties indicate the ability of a system to stole, transmit and reflect electromagnetic wave energy. Recently, the utilization of the properlies in agriculture field tends to increase. For example, dielectric ... -
Simulasi Karaketristik Pengeringan Beku Daging Sapi Giling
Tambunan, Armansyah H. | Solahudin, M. | Rahajeng, Estri (2000)Drying characteristic of a particular product is important in analyzing the appropriateness of the drying method for the product. This is especially important for freeze drying, which is known as the most expensive drying ... -
Simulasi Karakteristik Pengeringan Beku Daging Sapi Giling (Simulation Study on Freeze-Drying Characteristics of Beef)
Tambunan, Armansyah H. | Solahudin, M. | Rahajeng, Estri (2000)Drying characteristic of a particular product is important in analyzing the appropriateness of the drying method for the product. This is especially important for freeze drying, which is known as the most expensive drying ... -
Transport Properties Of Cellular Food Materials Undergoing Freeze-Drying
Araki, Tetsuya | Sagara, Yasuyuki | Abdullah, Kamaruddin | Tambunan, Armansyah H. (1999)Both sliced and mashed apples have been freeze..Jried at various surface temperatures under the usual pressure range of commercial opera/ions. The surface of sliced samples could no/ be maintained at above IOtt: in order ...