Browsing Faculty of Animal Science by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 573
Studi Pendahuluan Program Pengembangan Peternakan Kambing di Daerah Transmigrasi Ratumarta Sumatera Selatan
(1983)A preliminary study was conducted on March 1-10, 1983 to examine the possibility of goat development programme in the transmigration project of Batumarta, South of Sumatera. A total of 120 transmigrant samples were down ... -
Perbandingan Kualitas Air Susu dari Perusahaan Peternakan Sapi Perah dan Peternakan Sapi Perah Rakyat di Kebon Pedes, Kotamadya Bogor
(1984)The quality of milk from dairy small holder and that from dairy enterprise WE compared, Eilk samples from 7 dairy entexprises and 14 dairy small holders were studies. XiLk from dairy small holdex and that s'som dairy ... -
Optimasi Produksi Susu pada Usaha Peternakan Sapi Perah Rakyat di Pangalengan, Jawa Barat
(1985)The use of Cobb-Douglass production function to demonstrate the analysis of technical and economic efficiency in traditional dairy farms in Pengalengan had empirical result as follows: optimal input combination of forages ... -
Estimasi Bobot Hidup Sapi Bali Berdasarkan Ukuran Lingkar Dada
(1985)Formulas that were used to estimate body weight (BW) from heart girth (HG) of Bali cattle were affected by sex, location and seasion (wet and dry). Ln BW=-0.64069+1.20609 ln HG in wet season and ln BW= -2.39486+1.55011 ln ... -
Perhitungan Angka Reproduksi dan Kaitan dengan Repayment Maupun Modified Repayment In-Kind
(1985)reproductive performance. has an importapt meaping for evaluation the population. %ere is a relationship between calf crop and repaynent and Setween calf crop arid mvdjlf~ed rc?paymc:-:L inkind system, i n various farm pro ... -
Pertumbuhan Karkas dan Komponennya dari Itik Lokal dengan Pemeliharaan Tradisional di Kecamatan Karawang, Kabupaten Karawang, Jawa Barat
(1985)Thirty male and thirty female ducks (Anas domesticus) were killed and dissected. Body weight varied from 160 to 1500 g. carcass percentage increased with the increased in body weight (b = 1.1787). Percentage of carcass ... -
Perhitungan Angka Produksi dan Kaitan dengan Respayment Maupun Modified Respayment In-Kind
(1985)Reproductive performance has an important for evaluation the population. There is a relationship between calf crop and repayment and between calf crop and modified repayment in-kind system, in various farm project in ... -
Optimasi Produksi Susu pada Usaha Peternakan Sapi Perah Rakyat di Pangalengan, Jawa Barat
(1985)The use of cobb-Douglas production function to demonstrate the analysis of technical and economic efficiency in traditional dairy farms in pangalegan had empirical results as follows : Optimal input combination of forages ... -
Penampilan Reproduksi dan Pertumbuhan Tikus Putih (Rattus rattus)
(1986)Eight five heads of white rates (Rattus rattus) were used to study on the growth and reproduction performance. First mating in female is at 11 weeks of age/180-220 g of body weight. The average period of estrous is 8 days, ... -
Pengaruh Penanganan dan lama Penyimpanan Terhadap Kualitas Air Susu Sapi
(1986)Fresh milk cannot be stored more than 12 hours. Based on reductase test, milk with 0.06 percent hydrogen peroxide as persevative can be stored for 48 hours, boiled and preheated milk can be stored for 12 hours. -
Studi Potensi Setaria Splendida Stapf. sebagai Sumber Energi dan Protein untuk Kebutuhan Hidup Pokok Ternak Domba Jnatan Lokal
(1987)An was conducted to study the potency of setarla splendida stapf to suply energy and protein for -in 6wstesn male heal ciheep of 1-2 year old and 11.60 - 2835 kg of initial weight. Wre obmmvetim3ezb& theenhala wen adapted ... -
Produksi dan Komposisi Karkas Squab
(1987) -
Hubungan Pola Makanan Ternak dan Metoda Produksi Ranch Sapi Potong
(1987)The existence of a artain beef cattle production W.tern is fntluenmd by tbe physical as well as wcioeconomic factors. One of the strong dctelaioants is the feed pattamof the specific area. which includes both feed potential ... -
Pendugaan Bobot Badan melalui Beberapa Ukuran Tubuh pada Kambing Kacang di unit Pendidikan dan Penelitian Peternakan Jonggol
(1987)Ukuran tinggi pundak, dalam dada, lebar dada, panjang badan dan lingkar dada secara umum mempunyai hubungan yang sangat nyata dengan bobot badan kambing kacang pada berbagai tingkat umur dan jenis kelamin (P/0.01). Panjang ... -
Uji Zuriat Pejantan Sapi Perah Fries Holland dan Pengaruh Inseminasi Buatan Terhadap daya produksi Susu di beberapa Perusahaan Peternakan Sapi Perah
(1987)A study of pmwy tesf wss caxried out on five ddxy farm enterprAacs in West and Middle Java, in 0 ; t . d ~to~ test the superiority of 25 Holstoh Friesian W l a that were us& for aJ pragxam, The study was bmd an 2232 milk ... -
Pendugaan Bobot Badan melalui Beberapa Ukuran Tubuh pada Kambing Kacang di unit Pendidikan dan Penelitian Peternakan Jonggol
(1987)Ukuran tinggi pundak, dalam dada, lebar dada, panjang badan dan lingkar dada secara umum mempunyai hubungan yang sangat nyata dengan bobot badan kambing kacang pada berbagai tingkat umur dan jenis kelamin (P/0.01). Panjang ... -
Performans Ayam Broiler yang Mengkonsumsi Ransum Mengandung Tepung Biji Kecipir yang telah Mengalami Perendaman dan Perebusan
(1987)The experiment was carried out to study the use of winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolohic) for broiler ration. This experiment was at the faculty of animal science, Bogor Agricultural University. -
Penggunaan Prostaglandin F2-Alfa dalam Inseminasi Buatan pada Kelinci Persilangan dengan Berbagai Konsentrasi Sperma Motil
(1987)Penelitian ini menggunakan prostagladin F2-alfa 0.75 mg intra muscular, sebelum pelaksanaan IB. Konsentrasi spermatozoa adalah 1.0, 5.0 dan 10.0 juta per 0.5 ml. Kontrol adalah 10.0 juta per 0.5 ml tanpa prostagladin. ... -
Performans Ayam Brotler yang Mengkonsumsi Ransum Mengandung Tepung Biji Kecipir yang Telah Mengalami Perendaman dan Perebusan
(1987)The experiment was carried out to study the use of winged bean (Psoohocarpus tetragonolohue) for boiler ration. This experiment was at the faculty of animal science, Bogor Agricultural University Bogor. The potential ...