Browsing e-Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kelautan Tropis by Title
Now showing items 5-24 of 54
Distribusi Foraminifera bentik resen di Laut Arafura
(2010)Arafura Sea consists of shallow waters and located in the Southern of Papua to the north coast of Australia. The waters is vegetated by shallow-water ecosytems such as mangrove, seagrass bed, and coral reefs. The Arafura ... -
Efek ukuran butiran, kekasaran, dan kekerasan dasar perairan terhadap nilai hambur balik hasil deteksi hydroakustik 4t
(2010)3TBased on results of detection hydroacoustic, backscattering value from the first reflection (E-1) can describe the roughness and from the second reflections (E-2) can describe the hardness of sea floor. The objective of ... -
Efektivitas tiram bakau (Crassostrea sp.) dalam mereduksi CU pada air pemeliharaan udang windu (Panaeus monodon)
(2009)Study of the mangrove oyster (Crassostrea sp) to reduce heavy metal (Cu) concentration on shrimp pond water and the black tiger shrimp's (Penaeus monodon) body was conducted during ten days. Variable used in this research ... -
Identifikasi jenis ikan anemon (Amphiprioninae) dan anemon simbionnya di kepulauan Spermonde, Sulawesi Selatan
(2010)The study was conducted in June 2009 around the waters of Samalona, Barranglompo, Koedingareng Keke, Badi, Langkai and Kapoposang islands, representing four zones of Spermonde Archipelago of South Sulawesi. Seven species ... -
Identifikasi pulau-pulau di kabupaten Lingga provinsi Kepulauan Riau berdasarkan kaidah toponimi
(2009)The survey of island Toponymy has been conducted in Lingga County Riau Archipelago Province on March-April 2004. The data were collected by field survey : by interviews and Global Posittioning System (GPS) measurement. The ... -
Interpolator dalam pembuatan kontur peta Batimetri
(2009)A digital bathymetric model may be produced after sounding point interpolated by using specific methods. There are three common interpolation methods used recently: inverse distance to power, kringing and minimum curvature. ... -
Kajian dan prediksi kerentanan pesisir terhadap perubahan iklim : studi kasus di pesisir Cirebon
(2011)Coastal area is the most vulnerable area to climate change. Cirebon coastal land in Western Java, Indonesia is low-lying coastal area which is one of the potential areal for fish culture and farming. There are also major ... -
Kajian kesuburan ekosistem perairan laut Sulawesi Tenggara berdasarkan aspek bakteriologi
(2011)The study of waters fertilization in Southeast Sulawesi include Flores Sea, Kabaena Strait, Muna Strait, Buton Strait and Tioro Strait based on bacteriological aspect was conducted on April–May 2006, using the Research ... -
Kajian stabilitas empat tipe kasko kapal pole and line
(2010)This study was purposed to compare the stability of four types of pole and liner casco (round bottom, round flat bottom, round sharp bottom and u-v bottom),. The stability value was analyzed by calculating the stability ... -
Karakteristik komunitas Foraminifera di perairan Teluk Jakarta
(2011)Jakarta bay is a unique water since there are hydrological and ecological complexity. In general, the feature of these water consist of three ecological elements that are estuaries, coral reefs and open sea. Each of these ... -
Karakteristik Oseanografi Fisik Di Perairan Samudera Hindia Timur Pada Saat Fenomena Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) Fase Positif Tahun 1994/1995,1997/1998 Dan 2006/2007
(2011-12)Terdapat fenomena antar tahunan di Samudera Hindia yang terjadi karena adanya interaksi antara atmosfer dan laut yang dikenal dengan nama Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). Fenomena IOD merupakan struktur dua kutub yang ditandai ... -
Karakteristik oseanografi fisik di perairan Samudra Hindia Timur pada saat fenomena Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) fase positif tahun 1994/1995, 1997/1998 dan 2006/2007
(2011)There is an inter-annual phenomenon in the Indian Ocean that occurs because of the interaction between atmosphere and ocean are known Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD). IOD is a bipolar structure that characterized by the difference ... -
Kelimpahan foraminifera resen pada sedimen permukaan di teluk Ambon
(2010)Foraminifera are generally live in sea water with various sizes. These organisms consist of planktonic and benthic foraminifera. Geological activity on plutonic and volcanic with vomiting magma is transpiring on, and then ... -
Kenaikan lapisan termoklin akibat tsunami 2004 di perairan Nangro Aceh Darussalam
(2011)Research of physical oceanographic conditions post-tsunami was carried out and subsequently compared with the pre-tsunami 1998. Measurement of suhu, salinity and light transmission was conducted by CTDSBE911pls Model. ... -
Keragaan reproduksi ikan kerapu bebek (Cromileptes altivelis) dari alam (F-0), induk generasi pertama (F-1), dan induk generasi ke dua (F-2)
(2010)Grouper seeding technology still relies on the broodstock from the ocean, eventhough, the existence of the broodstock is rare and difficult to obtain. The broodstock takes a long time to mature and spawn. Therefore, to ... -
Kerentanan lingkungan pantai kota pesisir di Indonesia
(2011)Indonesia is known as a country with a strong in shipping, both nationally and internationally, which is shown by the number of coastal cities in Indonesia. Population growth in coastal cities in line with history of ... -
Komunitas Foraminifera Bentik di perairan kepulauan Natuna
(2011)Natuna Islands cluster consisting of large and small islands which a very diverse ecosystems are occurred, including mangrove, seagrass and coral reefs. These waters can be a conducive habitat for various marine organisms, ... -
Konsentrasi logam berat di air, sedimen dan biota di teluk Kelabat, Pulau Bangka
(2011)Kelabat Bay is a semi enclosed waters divided into two parts, i.e., outer part of Klabat bay facing the Natuna Sea (T Luar) and inner Kelabat bay surrounded by human activities and five river mouths (T Dalam). Study on ... -
Marine sediment characteristics at Karimun Java Sea based on stratigraphic profile analysis, total suspended solid (TSS) and grain- size analysis (granulometry)
(2011)A sedimentology survey was conducted during “Pelayaran Kebangsaan” research activities with a marine vessel of "Baruna Jaya VIII" in Karimun Java Sea. The objectives of the research were to determine the characteristics ... -
Massa air subtropical di perairan Halmahera
(2010)Research of water masses by using conductivity temperature depth (CTD), are conducted in the eastern path of the Indonesia Throughflow (ITF) in the Halmahera, Seram and Banda seas during March-April 2007 under the Expedition ...