Now showing items 1-9 of 9

    • Aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak dan fraksi ekstrak biji atung (Parinarium glaberrimum Hassk.) 

      Sarastani, Dewi | Soekarto, Soewarno T. | Muchtadi, Tien R. | Fardiaz, Dedi | Apriyantono, Anton (2002)
      The seed of Parinarium glabemmum Hassk was extracted with non polar solvent (hexane) and or polar sohlent (ethanol). Antioxidative activity of extracts was measured by rates of carotene bleaching in the coupled oxidation ...
    • Antioxidant Activities of Parianarium glaberrimum Hassk Extract and their Fraction 

      Saratan, Dewi | Soekarto, Soewarno T. | Muchtadi, Tien R. | Fardiaz, Dedi | Apriyantono, Anton (2002)
      The seed of Parinarium glabemmum Hassk was extracted with non polar solvent (hexane) and or polar sohlent (ethanol). Antioxidative activity of extracts was measured by rates of carotene bleaching in the coupled oxidation ...
    • Identifikasi Komponen Volatil Daging Itik Lokal Jawa 

      Hustiany, Rini | Apriyantono, Anton | Hermanianto, Joko | Hardjosworo, Peni S. (2001)
      Volatile components identified on duck's meat wer~ mainly lipid degradation products. They include aldehydes, alcohols, ketons, carboxylic acids and hydrocarbons. The volatile extract obtained by Silmutaneous Distillation ...
    • Isolasi dan Identifikasi Komponen Volatil Biji Atung (Parinarium glaberrimum Hassk) 

      Murhadi | Soewarno T.S. | Jennie, Betty S.L. | Apriyantono, Anton | Yasni, Sedarnawati (2003)
      The extraction of volatile components from “atung” seed was carried out by Likens Nickerson extraction apparatus with diethyl eter for 90 minutes, then continued with separation, while volatile isolates identification was ...
    • Karakteristik Spektroskopi Isolat Komponen Antibakteri Biji Atung (Parinarium glaberrimum Hassk) 

      Murhadi | Soewarno T.S. | Jennie, Betty S.L. | Apriyantono, Anton | Yasni, Sedarnawati (2004)
      Relative purity assay on antibacterial components (isolates) of “atung” seeds using HPLC system (linier gradient of water-methanol, detection on UV at 280/254 nm) showed that the isolate-9 had the highest purity (94%), ...
    • Kesan-Kesan Mengenai Perpustakaan IPB 

      Apriyantono, Anton (2003)
      Perpustakaan adalah salah satu penunjang kegiatan pengajaran dan penelitian yang sangat penting. Keberadaan Perpustakaan IPB telah menunjukkan fungsinya sebagai penunjang kegiatan tersebut, bukan saja oleh mahasiswa tetapi ...
    • Komposisi Kimia Biji dan Sifat Fungsional Pati Gayam (Inocarpus edulis Forst.) 

      Epriliati, Indah | Hariyadi, Purwiyatno | Apriyantono, Anton (2002)
      Basic information on physical and chemical properlies of Gayan (Inocarpus edulis Forst), one of the domestic commodities, is still vety limited. The objectives of this research were to investigate chemical composition of ...
    • Off-flavour pada daging unggas 

      Apriyantono, Anton | Lingganingrum, Farid Sri (2002)
      Off-flavour in poultry meat is caused by four main factors: (1) Environments such as odour of surrounding air, water, certain chemicals, packaging material to wrap thi! meat and microbial contamination, (2) Chemical reaction ...
    • Volatile aroma constituents and potent odorant of andaliman (Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC.) fruit 

      Wijaya, C. Hanny | Hadiprodjo, Irene Triyanti | Apriyantono, Anton (2001)
      Andahan, a wi/d spjce nd known kt Notthem Sum- hes e &sh cilnsy and wm sweet pep%y odor. This research was conducted to anaEyze potent odarant ltPm andalhnen mecerellon extred us& GC-MS, G O end aroma extract diIW ~ndysk ...