Studies On Indigenous Sheep Productivity Under The Tropical Rain Forest Area
Integrated Farming System is being introduced (0 the foreu system. There is a problem about animal in the forest which will destroy the ecosystem. Bill actually. animal will give manure as an organic fertilizer to the frees whiteon the other hand forest also produce leaves which can befed by animal as a roughage and naturallyforest can.~hange the environmentconditionsuchastemperatureand humidity to the comfortable animal living. Good management 10 lake care (he animal will solve ,he problem above. One ofthem is animal has 10 kepI in semi intensive system..Gunung Wolat Education Forest of IPB is stand near by Sukabumi, West Java. which surrounding by Damar. Ago/his and Pinus-trees-dominantly-,whtle-Kattandra, King-gra$s;-.mix grass.and Leueoena-are-in-b.ent'een as an -', _a'!i.tpaLf~~~{r!g .planJ~..rh.~c~~'!~,da~~~ te.m~r:,?i¥re and humidity. there-. is 2S "C and 80 % rei. ':..especpllely. This research 1IIas aimed to evaluate.productivity of indigenous sheep which kepI an posra/~cage iri.vuniing-WlJlarElfucalion Forest.area. Twa oeuvntes were designed using 50 head of growing sheep for 45 days offattening and 24 head of pregnant ewes for breeding observation. Animalwere fed lVlth-60%:ofmtx-grasrtmd401% oj"soy·bean·curd'Wtistt!·'j".different amount depend -on~Bj1/.; ,-Afte,.,-4§·day monitoring:!tbe::.OYerage-body 'weight-gain of-fattening-sheep-we-e-.around 42 g!4.f!1l,!,..;]o,~_l.k&ear.1y,B;W-;he~~3;!-O:kg.i,,:Jhef'J1Jpl.0~eryq~i~"I!N!If!din.g.SIUdjes showed that they had singie, twinand triplet•. while percemage ofdied lamb was 18 %from total 32 head After MO months lactation, ewes were super ovulated (SO) with hormone Prasulvine in order to the next pregnancy. Percentage of :pregnancy using SO technique was found 7S %. 11 is concluded thai animal under the tropteal ralnforesrcouldsurvive although the productivilies were not opt/mum.