Now showing items 1-10 of 19
Iriasan Komersial Karkas Kelinci dan Proporsi Dagingnya
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 1983)
Twenty one native rabbits oonsisted of 12 nales and 9 fenales, with body weight that varied from 1.00 to 1.70 kg for males and 1 -00 to 1.78 kg for females, mere killed a t the Faaul ty cf i?nimal S cienoe, Bogol: Ag~icutlu ...
Pengaruh Kadar Lemak Ransum terhadap Performans Kelinci Persilangan
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 1984)
Kadar lemak ransum sangat nyata mempengaruhi konsumsi, konversi dan daya cerna bahan kering ransum. Pertambahan bobot badan tidak nhyata dipengaruhi oleh kadar lemak ransum. Konsumsi dan konversi ransum berkurang, sedangkan ...
Pengaruh Pembatasan Pemberian Ransum terhadap Saluran Pencernaan Kelinci Persilangan Jantan
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 1984)
A study on the effect of restricted feeding on the alimentary tract of 32 heads of male crossbred rabbit was carried out at the faculty of animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University. There were four treatment experimented ...
Pendugaan Bobot Kambing Peranakan Etawah dari Ukuran Tubuh
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 1985)
Body measurement were not significantly affected by sex in kacang x Etawah cross goats. Hearth girth (HG) was more closely related to the body weight (bw), as the animals grow. The growth coefficient relative to body weight ...
Pengaruh Perbedahan Pertumbuhan terhadap Produksi "Daging" Kelinci Lokal
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 1983)
Thirty young male local rabbits, varied from 470 to 690 gram, were randomly devided into 3 groups. Three treatments were given, i.e. low growth rate to group I, low-high to group I1 and high to group 111, ...
Pengaruh Tingkat Protein Ransum terhadap Produksi "Daging" Kelinci Lokal
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 1983)
The effect of protein level i n raticns on edible production of local rabbits mas studied. Five rations t h a t consisted of 11 to 1% crude f i b e r , 3 850 ~ c a l E/S~ner gy and (A) 9, (B) 12, (c) 15, (D) 18 and (E) ...
Penggunaan Prostaglandin F2-Alfa dalam Inseminasi Buatan pada Kelinci Persilangan dengan Berbagai Konsentrasi Sperma Motil
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 1987)
Penelitian ini menggunakan prostaglandin F2-alfa 0.75 mg intra mosculer, sebelum pelaksanaan IB. Konsentrasi spermatozoa adalah dan 10 juta per 0.5 ml. Kontrol adalah 10.0 juta per 0.5 ml tanpa prostaglandin. ...
Produksi Daging Itik Manila (Cairina moschata)
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 1987)
Male ducks (~aj-rinam oachata) produced 69.1% of carcase at 2877 g of alau&ter weight and fewlea pmducd 62,8% of camass at 1829. g of slau&ter weight. Pemles had mom carcass fat, ahlo- ,j,&fa t a d ddomhd edible o f f d , ...
Pengaruh Kadar Proteiin RAnsum Terhadap Performans Kelinci Lokal
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 1983)
Twenty five young male local rabbits varied from 630 to 730 gram (695 + 29 gram) were used, to study the effect of protein level on the feed c o n s ~ t i o n ,g ain, conversion, digestibility of energy and TDN. Five ...
Pengaruh Pembatasan Pemberian Ransum Terhadap Saluran Pencernaan Kelinci Persilangan Jantan
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 1984)
A study on the effect of restricted feeding on the alimentary t r a c t of 32 heads of male crossbred rabbit was carried out a t the Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University. There were four treatments ...