Browsing Jurnal Ilmu Tanah & Lingkungan by Title
Now showing items 5-24 of 54
The Changes in Chemical and Physical Properties of Fibric Peat Pollowing Burning
(2003)Fire is still used until today for land preparation because it is cheap, easy and relatively quick to be done, meanwhile the impact is still not much yet known especially for peat land Due to that reason the research ... -
Changes in Phosphorus Fractions on an Acidic Soil Induced by Phosphorus Fertilizer, Organic Matter and Lime
(2000)One month of incubation experiment was implemented to evaluate the changes of phosphorus fraction in inorganic P (Pi) and organic P (Po) induced by phosphorus fertilizer (KH2P04), cow manure ( manure) and CaC03 (lime). A ... -
A Decision Support System for Rice Cultivation on Acid Sulfate Soils in Malaysia
(2005)Ameliorative steps to put acid sulfate soils into productive use can be organized by a decision support system. The model uses microeconomic analysis to get an optimal rate of lime and fertilizer in maximizing profit. A ... -
Development of Land Capacity Status for Labour Absorption in Horticulture Area Using Geographic Information System, A Case Study in Samarang Subdistrict, Garut, West Java
(2004)An index for labour absorption capacity of an agricultural cropping system requires worker number from direct activities and non-direct activities in a field The number of workers from direct activities can be generated ... -
Direct and Indirect Methods of Soil Microbial-Biomass Determination: Weakness and Srength
(2003)Dalam dua dasawarsa terakhir ini telah terjadi peningkatan minat para pakar ilmu tanah dan lingkungan dalam menentukan jumlah total mikroorganisme dalam contoh tanah. Minat tersebut muncul karena para pakar menyadari ... -
The Effect of Calcium Silicate on The Phosphorus Sorption Characteristics of Andisols Lembang West Java
(2008)The effect of calcium silicate CaSiOJ the phosphorus (P) sorption characteristics were studied in Andisols Lembang. The amount of 0, 2.5 and 5% CaSiOJ (calcium silicate) or 0, 7.5 and 15 g calcium silicate per pot was added ... -
Effect of Interlayer Caution Valence on Formation and Chemical Characteristics of Aluminumhydroxy-Vermuculite
(2005)Aluminumhydroxy-smectite (AHS), known also as pillared clay, has some specific c...haracteristics such as: wide specific surface area, high basal spacing, and stable at significant high temperature. The AHS was produced ... -
Effect of oIntermittent Drainage and Fertilization on pH, Eh, Fe, and Mn at New Paddy Soil in Ultisols of Bandar Abung (Lampung) and Tapin (South Kalimantan)
(2000)To study the effect of intermittent drainage and fertilization on new paddy soil of pH, Eh, Fe, and Mn, laboratory experiment was conducted using Ultisol of Bandar Abung, Larnpung and Tapin, South Kalimantan. Experiment ... -
The Effect of Organic Matter (Centrosema pubescens) and Rock Phosphate Application on the Activity of Phosphatase and P Fraction of Latosol Soil in Darmaga, Bogor
(2007)One of the problems of acid soils such as Latosol is very low in P-availabi/ity due to high P-j'vcation in those soils. Since soils is deficiency of P, adaptation of plants and microorganisms to overcome deficiency of P ... -
The Effect of Organic Matter (Pueraria javanica) and Rock Phosphate on the Growth and P-uptake of Corn Plant (Zea mays) in Andisol Pasir Saronggae
(2003)Phosphor (P) is the second esensial element after nitrogen which is needed by plants, however, its ava/i!ahi/ity is a problem in vulcanic ash soils such as Andisol. The objective of the research was to study the effect of ... -
Effect of Placement Method of Crop Residue and Irrigation on Soil Physical Properties and Plant Production
(2005)A proper management of crop residue can increase crop production since it plays an important role on increasing water availability. The effect of crop residue application on soil productivity depends on many factors. In ... -
The Effect of Rock Phosphate and Level of Inoculums on The Survivability of Aspergillus niger and Its Solubilization Ability When Pelleted With Rock Phosphate
(2005)The study is intended to examine the survival of Aspergillus niger and its phosphate solubilizing ability when pelleted with rock phosphate. An A. niger YD 17 obtainedfrom the Laboratory of Microbiology. Faculty of ... -
Effective Technique of Run Off Control on Sloping Upland Farming
(2003)The aims of this study were to find out the effects of run off control techniques and cropping patterns on run off rate of sloping upland farming. A series of factorial experiments was conducted on a Lithic Dystrudepts ... -
The Effects of Organic Matter and N, P, K Fertilizer on Nutrient Uptake and Yield of Corn in Inceptisol Ternate
(2008)The objective oj the research was to study the effects oj organic matter and N, P, K Jertilizer on nutrients uptake and yield oj corn in Inceptisol Ternate. The design oj the research was Jactorial completely randomized ... -
Erosion Prediction Study of Tugu Utara (Ciliwung Hulu) Sub Watershed
(2004)The research of erosion prediction method at watershed scale was carried out at Tugu Utara (Upper Ciliwung) sub watershed in Puncak, West Java, Indonesia from August 2000 to February 2001. The objectives of this study were: ... -
Exploration of Methanol Utilizing Microbes from Soil and Dung, as Source of Single Cell Protein
(2005)The objectives of this research were to explore methanol utilizing microbes by isolation. selection and collection of methanol utilizing microbes from soil and dung. further it will be produced as single cell protein. The ... -
Farmer Innovations Improving the System of Rice Intensification (SRI)
(2007)The System of Rice Intensification (SRI), assembled in Madagascar over a 20-year period and gaining application internationally since 2000, enables farmers to raise their irrigated rice production substantially just by ... -
Impact of Fire on Natural Regeneration in Peat
(2007)Fire is one of the most effective tools in disappearing vegetation community, where it was depend on the characteristics of burning itself and also the performance of the site being burnt. Previous research in mineral soils ... -
Increasing P Retention in the Peat Column Amended with Mineral Soil and Some Rock Phosphates
(2004)Peat soils have a very low capacity in retaining P. Mineral soils rich in Fe could be used as ameliorant in increasing this capacity.The aim of this experiment was to study the use of three rock phosphates and SP-36 on ... -
Isolation and Activity Test of Acidophilic Iron and Sulfur Oxidizing Bacteria from Black Water Ecosystem of Central Kalimantan
(2004)The acidophilic iron and sulfur oxidizing bacteria were isolatedfrom black water ecosystem, an 'extreme' ecosystem affected indirect or directly by peat land Isolation and selection were done on minimal media (liquid and ...