Browsing Forum Pascasarjana by Title
Now showing items 28-47 of 56
Pendugaan Kurva Sensitivitas Harga Menggunakan Model Linear Terampat
(1995)The estimation of price sensitivity curves is usually based on historical data of the product. The estimates obtained, however, are potentially blased especially if the previous condition does not reflect the current market ... -
Pendugaan Nilai Heritabilitas Kompponen-Komponen Buah pada Tujuh Populasi Kelapa Tanpa Menggunakan Uji Keturunan
(1993)Heritability of fruit characters, such as fruit weight, husk weight, husk thickness, sheal weight, endosperm (water) weight, albumen weight, copra weight, oil content, fruit length and ftuit width. have been estimated on ... -
Penentuan waktu kadaluwarsa wafer menggunakan model arrhenius dan model labuza (1982)
(2011)Penentuan waktu kadaluwarsa suatu produk dilakukan dengan metode ASS (accelerated storage studies), yaitu penentuan tanggal kadaluwarsa dengan jalan menyimpan produk pada kondisi lingkungan yang memungkinkan reaksi penurunan ... -
Pengaruh Pemupukan Fosfor dan Varietas Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Kedelai (Glycine max (L)Merr) pada Budidaya Jenuh Air
(1991)The objective of this expaiment was to study the effect of phosphorus fertilization on the growth and production of Americana and Lokon under saturated soil culture. The experiment was conducted at the Cikarawang Experimental ... -
Pengaruh Penggenangan pada Berbagai Fase Pertumbuhan Kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merr) Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi
(1989)The soybean (Glycine rnax (L.) Merr) plant is able to make morphological adaptations to flooding such as the formation of adventive roots. Long-term continuous flooding result in reductive conditions in the rhizosphere ... -
Pengaruh sistem budi daya dan pemupukan urea melalui daun terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi kedelai (glycine max (L.) Merr) dan padi (oryza sativa L.) dalam pola tumpang sari (the effects of culture system and N leaf fertilization on growth and yield)
(2004)In order to determine the effects of culture system and N leaf fertilization on growth and yield of soybean-rice intercropping, a field experiment was conducted at Babakan Sawah Baru experiment station, IPB, from April ... -
Pengembangan model simulasi proses pengomposan sampah organik perkotaan dalam bioreaktor
(2007)Municipal solid waste or MSW has potency to be decomposed by microorganisms and transformed into compost. The waste contains 60%-75% of organic materials C, H, O, and N. The aim of this research was to develop a simulation ... -
Perbandingan gambaran klinis antara kombinasi antropin sulfas-xylazine-ketamine dan kombinasi atropin sulfas-midazolam-ketamin pada kucing
(2011)This study was carried out to compare the clinical effects of sulfas atropine- xylazine-ketamine (AXK) and sulfas atropme-midazolam-ke(amine (AMK) on several clinical parameters in cats. Thirty six cats were used in this ... -
Perilaku rumah tangga miskin dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya : kasus di kota Ambon, provinsi Maluku, dan di kabupaten Boalemo, provinsi Gorontalo (The Poor's Behavior and The Factors Influenced It: A Case in Ambon City, Maluku Province, and Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo Province)
(2007)The aims of mis research are to identify the poor's behavior and the factors influenced ii according to the urban poverty and rural poverty. The result shows that (1) the poor's behavior can be categonzed in productive ... -
Pewilayahan Hujan O6N Model Prediksi Curah Hujan untuk Mendukung Analisis Ketersediaan dan Kerentanan Pangan di Sentra Produksi Padi
(2008)The paper describes about rainfall zoning and rainfall prediction modeling and its use for rice availability and vuinerability analysis. The study used rainfall data from Station Baros (Banten region), Station Karawang and ... -
Pola Hubungan Produksi Ponggawa-Petambak: Suatu Bentuk Ikatan patron - Klien (Studi Kasus Masyarakat Petambak di Desa Babulu Laut, Kecamatan Babulu, Kabupaten Pasir, Kalimantan Timur)
(2002)The relationship of Ponggawa - Petambak in fishfond aquaculture activity was a common phenomenon at many coastal village areas, particularly Babulu Laut Village (East Kalimantan). Although the relationship was considered ... -
Prediksi Aliran Permukaan, Hasil Sedimen dan Kualitasnya dengan Model Answers pada Areal Waduk Batujai, NTB
(1993)The possibility of ANSWERS model application for predicting runoff and sediment yield is discussed in this paper. Three types of rainfall duration (e.i. 6; 8 and 10 hours) with three amount of total rainfall of 100; 200 ... -
Produksi fraksi kaya asam lemak omega-3, melalui fraksi alkoholisis enzimatis minyak ikan tuna menggunakan lipase Rhizomucor miehel
(2001)Minyak ikan tuna hasil samping dari proses pengalengan ikan tuna merupakan sumber asam lemak omega-3 {eikosapentanoat/EPA dan dokosaheksanoat/DHA) yang sangat potensial dan dapat digunakan sebagai bahan utama dalam prodgksi ... -
Prospek Makanan Tradisional Aceh Sebagai Makanan Kesehatan: Deteksi Awal Aktivitas Antimikrob Minyak Pliek U Dan Ekstrak Kasar Dari Pliek U
(2009)Antimicrobial activity of pliek u oil and pliek u crude extracts were evaluated against seven bacterial strains (Bacillus subtilis. Staphylococcus aureus. Escherichia coli, Salmonella Enteritidis, Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonas ... -
Rekayasa Sistem Rantai Pasokan Berbasis Jaringan Pada Bahan Baku Agroindustri Farmasi
(2007)The objecfrve of this 1lIS611rd! was /0 develop rhe nelloorl<-oosed IlIW wpply cham system for pharmaceutICal agmiflduslry thaI WOIJld be 80" 1:I1'IaIt;I5e' farmer's incomft and $UstainabUWy Under.well II .frstam. ... -
Rekonstruksi Struktur Eco-House Baduy Dalam Di Provinsi Banten
(2012)Environment quality has been worsening year by year; and building's sector contributes 66% of fossil fuels pollution's sources. The technique in building constructions needs to changing in order to increase environmental ... -
Serapan hara oleh lada perdu (pper ningrum L.) pada kerapatan tanaman dan pemupukan yang beragam di bawah tegakan kelapa
(2011)The arrangement of planting density and method of fertilizer application constitutes one among many cultivation techniques to increase productivity of pepper plantation. The development of shrub pepper is an alternative ... -
Strategi Pengembangan Agroindustri Berbasis Kakao Di Indonesia
(2006)This research was conducted with system approach whidl aim to identify !he main components that important to cocoa-based agro-induslrial development strategy. Factors. actors. and goals of cocoa-based agro-industrial ... -
Strategi Pengembangan Perikanan Pelagis Kecil di Perairan Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara
(2010)Southeast Maluku District waters has abundance fisheries resources, especially small pelagic fisheries, but its poorly managed. That is identified from inadequate infrastructure with traditional fishing effort. ... -
Strategi Peningkatan Kinerja kelembagaan dan pembiayaan pengelolaan irigasi
(2006)The general purpose of this research is to formulate the strategy of water resources management, especially on irrigation system on interregional of economic cooperation to increase development regional economic.