Browsing Forum Pascasarjana by Title
Now showing items 19-38 of 56
Kajian dinamika wilayah untuk kebijakan perubahan batas administrasi kota/kabupaten (studi kasus peraturan pemerintah nomor 84 tahun 1999 tentang perubahan batas wilayah kota Bukittinggi dan kabupaten Agam)
(2011)The availibility of space in the city can not match to the space demand for housing and developments. This happened to Bukittinggi in the recent years. Government Regulation No. 84 Year 1999 about Boundary Changing of ... -
Kajian hidrolisis enzimatis minyak sawit secara in situ1) (Study of In Situ Palm Oil Enzymatic Hydrolysis)
(2004)In situ enzymatic hydrolysis was studied in the fresh dan bruised paim fruit mesocarp. These fruits were stored for 5 and 30 days in a room temperature Hydrolysis yields contained mono- and diacylglycerols in the crude ... -
Kajian karakteristik dan Kesesuaian Kawasan Mangrove Untuk Kegiatan Ekowisata Mangrove di Gugus pulau Togean, Taman Nasional Kepulauan Togean
(2010)The mangrove area of Togean islands have been used for marine ecotourism activities. The increasing of anthropogenic activities affected to decreasing of mangrove area and mangrove tourism attractive. This research aim to ... -
Kapasitas riset di bidang industri hilir kelapa sawit
(2011)Industri pengolahan kelapa sawit merupakan salah satu industn berbasis pertanian yang menempali posisi strategis di Indonesia Industri pengolahan kelapa sawit didominasi oleh industri kilang CPO dan industn pemurnian menjadi ... -
Karakterisasi proses produksi maltodekstrin dari pati pisang (musa sp.) Secara enzimatis dengan α-amilase1 (characterization process of maltodextrin production from banana starch (musa sp.) With enzlmatic by a-amylase by α-amylase)
(2007)Banana starch was isolated from banana fruit var Uli at stage 1 of its ripening after steeping in 0.045 M sodium hydroxide. The yield of starch was 42.58% dry basis (db). Chemical and physical properties of this starch ... -
Karakteristik pemekatan karotenoid minyak sawit dengan teknik ekstraksi fluida CO2 superkritik
(2011)Pemekatan karotenoid dari minyak sawit mentah dilakukan dengan beberapa tahap perlakuan awal dan untuk proses pemekatan digunakan teknik ekstraksi fluida C02 superkritik. Produk penelitian ini diharapkan merupakan suatu ... -
Kebijakan pemanfaatan ekosistem mangrove secara terpadu berkelanjutan di kabupaten Barru, Sulawesi Selatan (The policy of integrated, sustainable exploitation of mangrove ecosystem in Barru Regency, South Sulawesi)
(2011)The mangrove ecosystem in coastal area of Barru Regency has been declared as a protected area under Act No. 23 Year 2001. Because of its potency and carrying capacity, and in accordance with the existence of the Act No. ... -
Konsumsi Pangan dan Seng, Serta Determinan Status Seng Ibu Hamil di Kecamatan Leuwiliang dan Cibungbulang, Kabupaten Bogor
(2002)The objectives of this study were to analyze zinc status, nutrient dietary quality, zinc content, zinc intake, determinant of zinc status and implications for preventing zinc deficiency among pregnant women living in ... -
Pendugaan Kurva Sensitivitas Harga Menggunakan Model Linear Terampat
(1995)The estimation of price sensitivity curves is usually based on historical data of the product. The estimates obtained, however, are potentially blased especially if the previous condition does not reflect the current market ... -
Pendugaan Nilai Heritabilitas Kompponen-Komponen Buah pada Tujuh Populasi Kelapa Tanpa Menggunakan Uji Keturunan
(1993)Heritability of fruit characters, such as fruit weight, husk weight, husk thickness, sheal weight, endosperm (water) weight, albumen weight, copra weight, oil content, fruit length and ftuit width. have been estimated on ... -
Penentuan waktu kadaluwarsa wafer menggunakan model arrhenius dan model labuza (1982)
(2011)Penentuan waktu kadaluwarsa suatu produk dilakukan dengan metode ASS (accelerated storage studies), yaitu penentuan tanggal kadaluwarsa dengan jalan menyimpan produk pada kondisi lingkungan yang memungkinkan reaksi penurunan ... -
Pengaruh Pemupukan Fosfor dan Varietas Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Kedelai (Glycine max (L)Merr) pada Budidaya Jenuh Air
(1991)The objective of this expaiment was to study the effect of phosphorus fertilization on the growth and production of Americana and Lokon under saturated soil culture. The experiment was conducted at the Cikarawang Experimental ... -
Pengaruh Penggenangan pada Berbagai Fase Pertumbuhan Kedelai (Glycine max (L.) Merr) Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi
(1989)The soybean (Glycine rnax (L.) Merr) plant is able to make morphological adaptations to flooding such as the formation of adventive roots. Long-term continuous flooding result in reductive conditions in the rhizosphere ... -
Pengaruh sistem budi daya dan pemupukan urea melalui daun terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi kedelai (glycine max (L.) Merr) dan padi (oryza sativa L.) dalam pola tumpang sari (the effects of culture system and N leaf fertilization on growth and yield)
(2004)In order to determine the effects of culture system and N leaf fertilization on growth and yield of soybean-rice intercropping, a field experiment was conducted at Babakan Sawah Baru experiment station, IPB, from April ... -
Pengembangan model simulasi proses pengomposan sampah organik perkotaan dalam bioreaktor
(2007)Municipal solid waste or MSW has potency to be decomposed by microorganisms and transformed into compost. The waste contains 60%-75% of organic materials C, H, O, and N. The aim of this research was to develop a simulation ... -
Perbandingan gambaran klinis antara kombinasi antropin sulfas-xylazine-ketamine dan kombinasi atropin sulfas-midazolam-ketamin pada kucing
(2011)This study was carried out to compare the clinical effects of sulfas atropine- xylazine-ketamine (AXK) and sulfas atropme-midazolam-ke(amine (AMK) on several clinical parameters in cats. Thirty six cats were used in this ... -
Perilaku rumah tangga miskin dan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya : kasus di kota Ambon, provinsi Maluku, dan di kabupaten Boalemo, provinsi Gorontalo (The Poor's Behavior and The Factors Influenced It: A Case in Ambon City, Maluku Province, and Boalemo Regency, Gorontalo Province)
(2007)The aims of mis research are to identify the poor's behavior and the factors influenced ii according to the urban poverty and rural poverty. The result shows that (1) the poor's behavior can be categonzed in productive ... -
Pewilayahan Hujan O6N Model Prediksi Curah Hujan untuk Mendukung Analisis Ketersediaan dan Kerentanan Pangan di Sentra Produksi Padi
(2008)The paper describes about rainfall zoning and rainfall prediction modeling and its use for rice availability and vuinerability analysis. The study used rainfall data from Station Baros (Banten region), Station Karawang and ... -
Pola Hubungan Produksi Ponggawa-Petambak: Suatu Bentuk Ikatan patron - Klien (Studi Kasus Masyarakat Petambak di Desa Babulu Laut, Kecamatan Babulu, Kabupaten Pasir, Kalimantan Timur)
(2002)The relationship of Ponggawa - Petambak in fishfond aquaculture activity was a common phenomenon at many coastal village areas, particularly Babulu Laut Village (East Kalimantan). Although the relationship was considered ...