Browsing Buletin Teknologi & Industri Pangan by Title
Now showing items 11-30 of 37
Hubungan antara Sifat Fisik dan Gelombang Ultrasonik Durian Utuh dengan Sifat Fisiko Kimia Daging Durian
(2000)Cntrasonic method was utilized for the measurement of attenuation of ultrasonic wave through duriun. Thirty six .durians . consits of ripe and unripe fruit harvested from Ciherang Bogor were tested. The whole durians were ... -
Identifikasi dan Karakterisasi Potent Odorant Mangga Kweni (Mangifera odorata Griff)
(1997-08)Volatile compounds were isolated from flesh and skin of kweni fruit by dynamic headspace sampling. Aromagram of flesh and skin extracts were similar with respect to predominant odorants. Ethyl butanoate with sweet, fruity, ... -
Identlflkasl dan Karakterisasi Potent Odorant Mangga Kwenl (Mangifera odorata Griff)
(1997)Volatile compounds were isolated from flesh and skin of kweni fruit by dinamic head-pace sampling. Aromagram of flesh and skin estract were similiar with respect to pradominant odorants. Enthyl butanoate with sweet, fruity, ... -
Intervensi Sayur dan Buah Pembawa Vitamin C dan Vitamin E Meningkatkan Sistem Imun Populasi Buruh Pabrik di Bogor
(2000)It had been reported previously that industrial workers in Bogor area consumed street foods regularly and this food habit correlated with high plasma MDA, lower immune system and plasma vitamin C and vitamin E. Damaged of ... -
Kadar Malonaldehida dan Zat Gizi Antioksidan Plasma pada Populasi Remaja Rentan Pencemaran Makanan
(1996)Chemical analysis of food contaminants in street foods around Bogor, West Java, had been re ported. The aim of this mearch was to evakrate whether the e#kt of exposure to chemical contaminants through street f& comsumptions ... -
Mempelajari Pengaruh Lingkungan Kimiawi terhadap aktivitas dan Daya Tahan Panas Protease dari Bacillus pumilus y1
(1997)Proteases from Bacillus pumilus Y1 produced in the medium of liquid tofu waste anriched with 8% skim milk, had optimum conditions at pH 8, temperature of 37C and sensitif to PMSF and EDTA. -
Mikroenkapsulasi Campuran Ekstrak Kulit dan Buah Jeruk Nipis (Citrus aurantifolla Swingle.) serta Aplikasinya pada teh Celup
(1997)The use of such filler as gum arabic, dextrin, and a gum-arabic: dextrin(GA:D) (1:1)mixture were studied in lime powder making of a 1:1 mixture of lime's peel extract and juice using micro-encapsulation processes. spray ... -
Penentuan Umur Simpan Produk Ekstruksi dari Hasil Samping Penggilingan Padi (Menir dan Bekatul) dengan Menggunakan Metode Konvensional, Kinetika Arrhenius dan Sorpsi Isothermis
(2000)Rice bran and broken rice are byproducts of rice milling, that can be eaaily experience a reduction in quality caused by mncidity k a mte of three hours, so a treatment to increaae ita shelf-life value is required. Extrueion ... -
Pengaruh Ekstrak Diklorometan Jahe (Zingiber officinale Roscoe) terhadap Pengikatan Toksin Kolera B-Subunit Conjugasi (FITC) Pada receptor Sel Hibridoma LV dan CAC0-2
(2003)Cholera toxin is main factor that responsibHity of wBlery dianhea. The objectives of this investigation was to study the effect of finger extract (GDE) in blocking cholela toxin binding to receptOlS (Jf LV hybridome and ... -
Pengaruh Jenis Kapang dan Lama Fermentasi terhadap Mutu Ikan Kayu (Katsuobushi) Cakalang
(2000)Study on the effect of fungi and fermentation duringprocessing of dried fish stick (katsuobushi) has been carried out. Dried fish stick (Katsuobushi) is aJapanese traditional fishproduct used for flavourant. One of ... -
Pengaruh Jenis Pengemas dan Penambahan Anticaking terhadap Mutu Bubuk Bawang Putih (Allium sativum L.) selama Penyimpanan
(1994)The stability of spray-dried garlic powder during storage has been studied under accelerated condition, based on quality parameters, i.e. water content and brown wlor formation. The rate 4 deterioration based on water ... -
Pengaruh Jenis Pengemas dan Penambahan Anticaking Terhadap Mutu Bubuk Bawang Putih (Allium sativum L.) Selama Peyimpanan
(1994)The stability of spray-dried garlic powder during storage has been studied under accelerated condition, based on quality parameters, i.e. water content and brown color formation. The rate of deterioration based on water ... -
Pengaruh Penambahan Antibiotika pada Biosintesis I-Lisin oleh Brevibacterium Lactofermentum BL-1M76 di dalam Medium Molase
(2000)!ho kinds of antibiotics, penicillin G and polymixin B sulphate, were used to affect the biosynthesis of L-Lysine by Brevibacterium BL-lM76 in molasses medium. Selection of appropriate antibiotic concentrations was carried ... -
Polemik HALAL Terselesaikan Sudah
(1997-04) -
Potensi Bakteri Asam Laktat Probiotik Ingenus Sebagai Antidiare Dan Imunomodular
(2011)The aim the study was to observe the ability of indigenous probiotic lactic bacteria (LAB) Lactobacillus plantarum 2C12 lactobacillus fermentum 2B4 as antidiarheal agent in rats infected by Enteropathogenic Escherichia ...