Now showing items 31-40 of 208
Manajemen Risiko Petani Gabah Kering Menggunakan Opsi Tipe Eropa
One of the problems faced by Indonesian farmers is the fluctuation of paddy grain price. The price is at the lowest point during the harvest season and at the highest point in the planting season. To solve this problem, ...
Pengukuran Fertilitas dengan Menggunakan Metode Rele dan Gunasekaran-PalmoreThe Measurement of Fertility Using Rele and Gunasekaran-Palmore Methods
Fertility is an important factor in population projection beside mortality and migration. Unfortunately, in most countries, especially in underdeveloped countries, the direct measurement of fertility is difficult to obtain ...
Pemodelan Harga Saham Menggunakan Model Lévy dan Model Black-Scholes
Stock may produce high profits. However, it has a high risk as well, because the stock prices fluctuate over time. Therefore, a model is required to estimate the future stock prices accurately. In this paper, Lévy model ...
Penyelesaian masalah optimasi linear menggunakan metode titik interior primal-dual dengan langkah newton penuh
Optimization is a branch of applied mathematics, which studies problems is order to find the maximum or minimum value of a function that satisfies certain constraints. Especially, a linear optimization studies things that ...
Penetapan harga Zero Coupon Bond menggunakan perluasan model Cox-Ingersoll-Ross
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2011)
Interest rate is one of important factors that used to adopt investment decisions. One of investment types is the bond. In reality, the interest rate must not negative. This research, introduces an interest rate model which ...
Penyelesaian Masalah Chinese Postman pada Graf Campuran Menggunakan Metode Heuristik Balans-Genap
One of the problems in determining an optimal route is the well-known Chinese Postman Problem (CPP). Among many kinds of CPP, this work discusses the mixed one (MCPP), where the representing graph has two types of edge: ...
Pendugaan parameter model dinamik dengan menggunakan metode kuadrat terkecil dan implementasinya dengan mathematica
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2011)
The method of least squares is a parameter estimation method which is most commonly used to estimate the value the parameters of a model based on some observation data in a way that minimizes the error sum of squares. The ...
Pengoptimuman pada Masalah Pemrograman Linear dengan Koefisien IntervalOptimization in Linear Programming with Interval Coefficients Problems.
On some applications of linear programming problems (LP), the coefficient on the model often can not be determined precisely. One method to solve this LP problem is to use an interval approach, where uncertain coefficients ...
Efisiensi Antarwaktu Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia Menggunakan Data Envelopment Analysis dan Indeks Malmquist
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a tool which is used to measure and compare the performance of Decision Making Units (DMU). DEA has been applied in many fields, such as banks, hospitals and schools. This paper measures ...
Implementasi Knowledge Graph untuk Abstraksi Teks
Knowledge is an important factor in human life. Knowledge can be obtained from various sources and one of them is from a text. The text used in this study is Indonesian text on food security. To gain knowledge in the text, ...