Now showing items 21-30 of 45
: Persamaan Tunggal sebagai Representasi Kurva Komposit
A mathematical method is introduced to represent a composite curve based on an extension of analytic geometry. The representation is given either with a single equation or with two equations, in the case of parametric ...
Pelabelan Super Edge Magic pada Graf Cycle dan Graf Wheel
This manuscript proves that cycle graph and wheel graph have a super edge magic labeling. Super edge magic labeling on a graph is labeling that has an edge magic labeling with a set of vertices were mapped in to {1,2,… ...
Nilai Eigen dan Vektor Eigen dari Matriks Tridiagonal dengan Entri Diagonal Utama Tidak Konstan dan Berulangigenvalues and Eigenvectors of Tridiagonal Matrix with Non Constant and Recurrent Diagonal Entries.
A tridiagonal matrix is a matrix which has zero elements except the elements at the main diagonal, the elements at the first diagonal below the main diagonal (subdiagonal) and the elements at the first diagonal above the ...
Maksimisasi Laba Perusahaan dan Ekuilibrium Oligopoli Saat Perubahan Produksi Lawan Takkonstan
Each firm in oligopoly market is competing to maximize its profit. One of the alternative strategy that can be used by the firm is to assume that changes in rival firm’s production level are nonconstant. Since the firm ...
Pengoptimuman Ruang Terbuka Hijau dan Ruang Terbangun di Kota Bogor
Conversion of green open space to built space without planning will lead to the decrease of agricultural land and environmental degradation. The decrease in agricultural land and poor agricultural cropping patterns result ...
Penggunaan Metode Iterasi Variasi untuk Menyelesaikan Masalah Osilasi BerpasanganThe Use of Iterated Variations Method to Solve Problems of Paired Oscillation.
Problems of paired oscillation are oscillation problems that are performed by two springs simultaneously. A mathematical model on the problem is given in the form of Volterra’s integro first order differential equation ...
Analisis Migrasi dengan Model Loglinear dan Iterative Proportional Fitting
Migration is one of demographic components that affect the population dynamics in a region. Data of migration flow can be presented in a contingency table. This paper discusses the application of loglinear model to describe ...
Keterkaitan antara Ukuran Kesesuaian Gabriel dengan Analisis Procrustes dalam Analisis Biplot LograsioRelationship between Goodness-of-Fit of Gabriel and Procrustes Analysis in Logratio Biplot Analysis.
Logratio biplot is an adaptation of ordinary biplot by logarithmic transformation and double centering. Logratio biplot is applied on specific data consisting positive row vectors, which are constrained to have unit sum ...
Pelabelan (k, d)-graceful pada -tree dan Subdivisi dari -treek, d)-graceful Labeling on -tree and Subdivision of -tree.
This manuscript proved that every -tree and subdivision of -tree could be labeled by using (k, d)-graceful labeling for every positive integers k and d. (k, d)-graceful labeling on a graph is a graceful labeling ...
Truncated Stop Loss Sebagai Solusi Perjanjian Reasuransi yang Optimal dalam Model Satu PeriodeTruncated Stop Loss as a Optimal Solution of Reinsurance Agreement in One-Period Model
Reinsurance is one of risk management efforts of an insurance company, which is called the cedent. Similar with insurance, reinsurance constitutes the cedent to pay the premium. We consider one-period reinsurance model and ...