Now showing items 201-208 of 208
Penentuan Rute Bus Karyawan Menggunakan Pemrograman Linear IntegerEmployee Bus Route Determination Using Integer Linear Programming.
This paper gives formulation of the problem in determining an employee bus route using integer linear programming. Each bus route begins and ends in one place (depot) to pick some postal employees. Each post will be visited ...
Penentuan Solusi Optimal untuk Alokasi Kekayaan ke dalam Konsumsi dan InvestasiDetermination of Optimal Solutions for the Allocation of Wealth into Consumption and Investment. Supervised
Human life is closely linked with economic problems faced throughout his life. The financial management activities are consumption and investment of the wealth. The problem is how to optimize the allocation of wealth to ...
Stabilitas Global Model Holling-Tanner Tipe II
Phenomenon of prey predator is a natural phenomenon which is intended to study the impact of the natural balance caused by two interacting species. Therefore, mathematical models were developed to describe the dynamics of ...
Algoritma Dekomposisi Diagraf Berbobot Pada Analisis Siklus Hidup Caretta Caretta (Penyu Laut Loggerhead
Life cycle of an orgainism can be formed into Letkovitch matrix, with is enstries consist of probability of survival probability of growth to the next stage and fecundity.
Pemodelan Stokastik Pertumbuhan Penduduk di Kota Rembang dengan Mempertimbangkan Proses Kelahiran, Kematian, dan Migrasi
The Population growth can be determined using birth and death rates and also the factor of migration. Both birth and death proceses are considered within Poisson process. An increase of population level would decrease the ...
Dinamika populasi manusia dan vektor pada penularan penyakit malaria oleh plasmodium falciparum dan plasmodium vivax
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2011)
Malaria is a disease that transmitted to human by the bitting of infectious Anopheles mosquitoes. This infectious desease caused by parasite genus Plasmodium. There are two species of the parasites studied here, that cause ...
Penggunaan Value-at-Risk untuk Mengukur Risiko dengan Menggunakan Simulasi Monte Carlo
Risk is defined as a danger, an harm, or the beginning of misfortune. Market risk is a risk caused by the behaviour of market when the company can not control the risks. Although the company can not control those risks, ...
Analisis ketimpangan distribusi pendapatan dengan fungsi produksi cobb-douglasAnalysis of Unequal Income Distribution with Cobb-Douglas Production Function
(Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), 2011)
This paper studies the economic growth model by Moav (2002). Moav model shows the existence of unequal income distribution between low-income with high-income community. That kind of unequal income distribution is caused ...