Now showing items 11-20 of 208
Optimum Control in Advertising ProblemKontrol Optimum pada Masalah Periklanan
Advertising is a form of communication and promotion of goods or services. It aims to convey the information in form of a message through the media and persuade that generate responses from audiences. A company must pay ...
Penjadwalan Produksi Roti Manis di PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo dengan Menggunakan Metode Heuristik
Creating an efficient production scheduling was one of possible ways to maximize profit. The scheduling method mentioned above could be obtained via Integer Nonlinear Programming (INLP) and the heuristic method. This study ...
Adsorpsi dan desorpsi ion kromium(VI) pada bentonit yang dimodifikasi Heksadesiltrimetilamonium bromida
Bentonite is abundant mineral in Indonesia and potentially as adsorbent. Bentonite has negatively charge, so bentonite has high capability to adsorp cations, while the capability of bentonite to adsorp anion was very low. ...
Economic Forecasting Using Linear Rational Expectation ModelPeramalan Ekonomi dengan Model Ekspektasi Rasional Linear
Economic forecasting is an activity to predict the future using economic theory to provide a systematic explanation of the past, which is assumed to occur in the future. One of the models used in economic forecasting is ...
Penggunaan Metode Perturbasi Homotopi untuk Menyelesaikan Masalah Aliran Fluida Sisko pada Pipa LurusThe Use of Homotopy Perturbation Method to Solve Problems of Sisko Fluid Flow in a Straight Pipe
Sisko fluid is a liquid, which has an important role in daily life as well as in industrial processes. A mathematical model to describe the flow velocity and shear stress of Sisko fluid is derived from the laws of mass and ...
Pemfaktoran Kunci RSA dengan Metode Penyaringan KuadratikFactoring RSA Keys with Quadratic Sieve Method
Sending data by network might be hacked by others for certain purposes. Therefore, the data should be encrypted before it is sent. RSA (Rivest Samir Adleman) is one of public key cryptosystem method for encrypting data. ...
Pelabelan Total Sisi-Ajaib pada Graf Petersen
A total labeling on a graph G with v vertices and e edges is a one-to-one function from ��������(��������) ∪ ��������(��������) onto the set of positive integers {1, 2, ... , v + e}. The sum of the label on an edge ...
Pemodelan Nilai Tukar Rupiah terhadap Dollar Amerika Menggunakan Deret Waktu Hidden Markov Empat Waktu Sebelumnya
The exchange rate of Rupiah to US Dollar fluctuates according to time in a long period. An existing exchange rate might happen again in the future. Assume that the causes of the fluctuation are not observed directly and ...
Penyelesaian Masalah Generalized Minimum Spanning Tree dengan Metode Heuristik Local Search
Generalized minimum spanning tree (GMST) is a minimum spanning tree of a graph with the nodes partitioned into some node-sets called cluster. GMST can be solved by using local search heuristic method which includes Prim ...
Prediksi Perpindahan Penggunaan Merek Simcard dengan Pendekatan Rantai Markov
Offering cheaper starter pack of simcard and cheaper tariff in GSM prepaid card constitute some strategies of telecommunication provider in costumer’s designation. However, there is a significant consequence caused by these ...