Now showing items 1-10 of 208
Model Regresi Laten Pada Efek PlaseboLatent Regression Model on Placebo Effect.
Regression analysis models the relationship between response variables with one or more predictor variables. The complexity of the analysis will increase, when it involves latent predictors, which are unobserved. Regression ...
Algoritme LLL dan Aplikasinya dalam Pembongkaran Sistemkripto Knapsack Merkle-Hellman
LLL algorithm is an algorithm that can be used to determine an approximation of the shortest vector in a lattice. Size reduction algorithm is an important step of LLL algorithm. The LLL algorithm can be applied in many ...
Pemodelan Transaksi Pelanggan Menggunakan Model Hidden Markov
A customer transaction is one of the activities needed to establish a market. This event may happen at any time in a long time series and may be repeated in the future. If the causes of customer transactions are assumed ...
Pendugaan Fungsi Sebaran dalam Model Nonparametrik
Nonparametric statistics are alternative for parametric statistics whenever no assumptionis satisfied in parametric statistics, for example the distribution function is not identified. Nonparametric statistics are often ...
Flight Optimal Frequency of Some Airline Network DesignFrekuensi Penerbangan Optimal pada Beberapa Jaringan Penerbangan
To maximize profit, every airlines has special strategics. One of the strategics is to find the flight optimal frequency. This manuscript explains about how to determine the flight optimal frequency of direct network, hub ...
Optimalisasi eksekusi saham dengan biaya likuiditas taklinear
Generally, transaction in capital market considers two things. i.e. transaction cost and transaction risk. The transaction cost arises from temporary and permanent market impact. Tempofmy market impact represents a liquidity ...
Pembangkitan Bilangan Prima dengan Metode Saringan Eratosthenes
Cryptograph is required in securing information or data transmission. In cryptograph, prime numbers are required in high level message security. These prime numbers are acquired by generation method. There are many ...
Dinamika Infeksi Virus HIV dengan Terapi Reserve Transciptase Inhibitor CRT Inhibitor)
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrom (AIDS) is a disease in the human system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). In general, HIV virus is transmitted through direct contact with a body fluid containing HIV virus, ...
Analisis Biplot untuk Memetakan Provinsi Berdasarkan Prestasi Mahasiswa TPB IPB dan Nilai Ujian Nasional
Quality description of schools in academic field is supposed to be seen from attainment of national exam (UN) score. Students’ achievement in college can be described with acquisition of high GPA. Provincial mapping can ...
Penerapan prinsip maksimum Pontryagin pada masalah periklanan
Iklan merupakan komunikasi komersial dan promosi non-personal tentang gagasan, barang atau jasa yang dibayar oleh satu sponsor atau pihak tertentu. Untuk membuat sebuah iklan, perusahaan harus mengeluarkan biaya tambahan. ...