Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Penjadwalan Operasi Bedah Menggunakan Integer Programming : Studi Kasus Optimasi Waktu Target Ahli Bedah di Rumah Sakit Jakarta Eye Center
The limitation of operation equipments, the availability of operating room and surgeon as well as the duration of time available for an operating room use, have complicated hospital management in making decision to schedule ...
Penjadwalan Perawat Menggunakan Goal Programming: Studi Kasus di Rumah Sakit Hasanah Graha Afiah Depok
One of the problems that frequently arises in the hospital management system is the nurse scheduling problem. A proper schedule is needed in order to avoid exhausted suffered by nurses, both physically and psychologically, ...
Penjadwalan Mata Kuliah Mayor-Minor: Studi Kasus di FMIPA IPB
A curriculum called a major-minor curriculum has been used at Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) in the last six years. Several problems have been identified during the implementation of curriculum, one of them is related to ...