Now showing items 1-10 of 407
Pelabelan Total Sisi-Ajaib pada Graf Petersen
A total labeling on a graph G with v vertices and e edges is a one-to-one function from ��������(��������) ∪ ��������(��������) onto the set of positive integers {1, 2, ... , v + e}. The sum of the label on an edge ...
Penyelesaian Masalah Generalized Minimum Spanning Tree dengan Metode Heuristik Local Search
Generalized minimum spanning tree (GMST) is a minimum spanning tree of a graph with the nodes partitioned into some node-sets called cluster. GMST can be solved by using local search heuristic method which includes Prim ...
Pelabelan super edge magic pada graf cycle (P_2n(+)N_m), graf planar ((P_2 U k K_1)+N_m), graf jalinan, dan graf ubur-ubur
Labeling in graph theory is a bijection mapping that maps each elements of a set of vertices and a set of edges to the set of natural number. A graph denoted by ( ( ) ( )) with p vertices and q edges is called a super edge ...
Analisis Pembentukan Portofolio Optimal dengan Model Markowitz dan Model Indeks Tunggal: Studi Kasus Indeks IDX30
This research in udertaken based on the act that the investment cannot be separated from the business world. The aim of this research is to identify the stocks that included in the IDX30 index that meet the criteria based ...
Penjadwalan Distribusi Barang Menggunakan Mixed Integer Nama NIM Programming
Scheduling of Goods Distribution using a vehicle and a driver is a problem often faced by a particular company or business entity. Rest periods and working hours of drivers, as well as the time window established by the ...
Seleksi Beasiswa Bidikmisi Ipb Menggunakan Sistem Fuzzy.
(Bogor Agricultral University (IPB), 2016)
Sejak tahun 2010, pemerintah menyediakan beasiswa Bidikmisi untuk mahasiswa
yang kurang mampu secara ekonomi. Namun jumlah beasiswa Bidikmisi yang tersedia
belum seimbang jika dibandingkan dengan yang membutuhkan. Oleh ...
Pendugaan Nilai Aset Pendanaan Pensiun dengan Dua Jenis Pemulusan: Studi Kasus Data Mortalitas Indonesia 2011
Determinating the value of assets at the beginning of each period is a problem faced by an insurance company. The purpose of this paper is to estimate the value of pension funding assets of a company using exponential and ...
Penyelesaian Masalah Rotasi Aliran Fluida Kental Von Karman Menggunakan Metode Spektral Homotopi
Masalah rotasi aliran fluida kental Von Karman sering muncul pada masalah rotasi bahan bakar pesawat ruang angkasa yang diluncurkan oleh NASA. Pengendalian besaran kecepatan rotasi pada aliran Von Karman penting dilakukan. ...
Penjadwalan Mata Kuliah dengan Meminimumkan Banyaknya Ruangan
Course scheduling at Common First Year Program of Bogor Agricultural University (also known as TPB IPB) is determined by the number of available classrooms and the number of courses that are offered at TPB IPB. The university ...
Pendanaan Program Pensiun Manfaat Pasti dengan Metode Spreading Gains and Losses dan Modified Spreading Gains and Losse
Defined benefit pension plan is a pension plan that the benefit is decided at the beginning, while the amount of contributions fluctuate and depend on actuarial calculations. This report aims to explain the funding of ...