Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Penjadwalan Mata Kuliah dengan Meminimumkan Banyaknya Ruangan
Course scheduling at Common First Year Program of Bogor Agricultural University (also known as TPB IPB) is determined by the number of available classrooms and the number of courses that are offered at TPB IPB. The university ...
Pengoptimuman pada Masalah Pemrograman Linear dengan Koefisien IntervalOptimization in Linear Programming with Interval Coefficients Problems.
On some applications of linear programming problems (LP), the coefficient on the model often can not be determined precisely. One method to solve this LP problem is to use an interval approach, where uncertain coefficients ...
Optimasi Distribusi Air Bersih di Asrama TPB IPB
One of the main issues of water distribution process relates to effectiveness of pumps operation. When a pump was turn on there will be a power surge that makes it requires higher power, such that initial power is much ...
Masalah Penjadwalan Kereta Api Jalur Ganda Menggunakan Model Job-Shop
Train scheduling problem can be modeled as a special case of job-shop scheduling problems. Based on the job-shop scheduling concept, the train trip can be considered as a job, which will be scheduled on tracks as resources. ...
Penentuan Solusi Optimal untuk Alokasi Kekayaan ke dalam Konsumsi dan InvestasiDetermination of Optimal Solutions for the Allocation of Wealth into Consumption and Investment. Supervised
Human life is closely linked with economic problems faced throughout his life. The financial management activities are consumption and investment of the wealth. The problem is how to optimize the allocation of wealth to ...