Now showing items 1-5 of 5
Kontrol Optimum Virus HIV Melalui Penggunaan Dua Jenis Obat
This paper studied a mathematical interactions model of healthy CD4+T cells with HIV cells by involving two types of control strategies, i.e. increasing body’s immune drugs and using antiviral drugs. The interaction problem ...
Pemodelan Frekuensi Petir di Bogor Menggunakan Pendekatan Logika Fuzzy
Guinness Book of Records in 1989 as indicated in the Antara News article (2013) showed that Bogor is one of the areas with the highest potential for lightning in the world. However, the recording devices that count frequency ...
Dinamika Model Populasi Spesies Tunggal pada Lingkungan Tercemar dengan Waktu Tunda Tunggal Diskret
This manuscript describes a single-species population model in a polluted environment. This model describes the stability of a single-species population behavior which is affected by the pollution effect. The focus of ...
Aplikasi kontrol optimum pada pemanenan Sardinella lemuru di Selat Bali
This paper studied a mathematical model of fishery resource dynamics in an aquatic area. The considered area consists of two zones: reserve and unreserve zones, where growth of fish population on each zone is given by a ...
Bifurkasi Hopf pada Model Mangsa Pemangsa dengan Waktu Tunda dan Tingkat Pemanenan Konstan
In this paper we discussed a predator-prey model by considering a time delay to predator population and constant rate of harvesting in both predator and prey populations. We performed stability analysis to both models with ...