Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Pendanaan Program Pensiun Manfaat Pasti dengan Metode Spreading Gains and Losses dan Modified Spreading Gains and Losse
Defined benefit pension plan is a pension plan that the benefit is decided at the beginning, while the amount of contributions fluctuate and depend on actuarial calculations. This report aims to explain the funding of ...
Penjadwalan Petugas Keamanan Menggunakan Integer Linear Programming: Studi Kasus di Institut Pertanian Bogor
One of the problems that often arises in a security management system is the problem of scheduling security officers. A proper scheduling of security officers is required to avoid fatigue on officers, both psychologically ...
Pengoptimuman Rute Pengangkutan Sampah
Transportation of urban waste from temporary collection location to landfill in Indonesia is a complex problem. The number of regular stops, volume of waste in each regular stop, vehicle types, the number of vehicles, and ...
Traveling Salesman Problem dengan Kendala Time Windows
Distribution of products using a vehicle from a depot to several places that has a time limit of services requires an efficient route. This distribution problem can be modeled as a Traveling Salesman Problem with Time ...
Penjadwalan Pengawas Ujian Menggunakan Goal programming: Studi Kasus di Departemen Matematika FMIPA IPB
Scheduling of exam invigatiors has been commonly done in conventional mamer. In this activity. exam period, the number of courses, avalability of rooms, the number of examiness, and availability of invigilators are components ...
Penyelesaian Masalah Dual untuk Menentukan Premi Optimum pada Portofolio Heterogen
Insurance is an agreement between two parties or more in which the insurer binds himself to the insured by receiving insurance premium to give back to the insured because of possible loss that may occur. The amount of ...