Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Penerapan metode Webster untuk sistem pengaturan lampu lalu lintas di Simpang Empat Semplak Bogor
Currently, the traffic light control system is still using a fixed time system. This system would result the traffic jams because the number of vehicles in a lane is different with a same duration of green time-lamp. The ...
Pemeriksaan keanggotaan elemen pada himpunan dengan bloom filter
Examination of membership elements is often executed on several applications. Expected time to perform such examination is a minimum time with minimal errors. For example, the Google Chrome web browser takes a short time ...
Pemodelan Poisson Hidden Markov pada Infeksi Nosokomial
Nosocomial infections are infections from the hospital. Development and spread of the infections is caused by several factors such as the immunity of microorganisms in the body of antibiotics, the spread of microorganisms ...
Bifurkasi Hopf pada siklus bisnis IS-LM tanpa dan dengan waktu tunda
One of business cycle models in dynamical economics is the IS-LM business cycle model with time delay, where the time delay lies in stock capital variables. It is a time delay between the existence of stock capital and the ...
Perbandingan Waktu Eksekusi Metode Steepest Descent dan Metode Barzilai-Borwein Menggunakan Perangkat Lunak MATLAB
Optimization is a knowledge associated with problems of the maximum and minimum determination.The optimization problems consist of the problems whitout constraint and with constraints. In the last forty years time, many ...
Penyelesaian Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem Menggunakan Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure
Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP) is a variation of Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), which is intended is the problem to determine the route of vehicle with increasing its capacity. The goal of CVRP is either to ...
Penjadwalan Mata Pelajaran di Sekolah: Studi Kasus di SMPIT Nurul Fajar Bogor
Scheduling is one of the problems faced by many institutions including schools. However, the conventional scheduling is often sub-optimal. In this work, the scheduling problem is modeled mathematically using integer ...
Penggunaan Metode Analisis Homotopi pada Penyelesaian Persamaan Schrodinger-KdV
Schrodinger-KdV equations are mathematical model that can be applied in determining the maximum height of the bichromatic wave packet wrapper. These equations form nonlinear partial differential equations. Solution of ...
Pemodelan Stokastik Pertumbuhan Penduduk di Kota Rembang dengan Mempertimbangkan Proses Kelahiran, Kematian, dan Migrasi
The Population growth can be determined using birth and death rates and also the factor of migration. Both birth and death proceses are considered within Poisson process. An increase of population level would decrease the ...