Now showing items 1-10 of 48
Pendugaan Fungsi Sebaran dalam Model Nonparametrik
Nonparametric statistics are alternative for parametric statistics whenever no assumptionis satisfied in parametric statistics, for example the distribution function is not identified. Nonparametric statistics are often ...
Pemodelan Harga Saham Menggunakan Model Lévy dan Model Black-Scholes
Stock may produce high profits. However, it has a high risk as well, because the stock prices fluctuate over time. Therefore, a model is required to estimate the future stock prices accurately. In this paper, Lévy model ...
Penyelesaian masalah optimasi linear menggunakan metode titik interior primal-dual dengan langkah newton penuh
Optimization is a branch of applied mathematics, which studies problems is order to find the maximum or minimum value of a function that satisfies certain constraints. Especially, a linear optimization studies things that ...
Efisiensi Antarwaktu Perbankan Syariah di Indonesia Menggunakan Data Envelopment Analysis dan Indeks Malmquist
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a tool which is used to measure and compare the performance of Decision Making Units (DMU). DEA has been applied in many fields, such as banks, hospitals and schools. This paper measures ...
Penyelesaian Masalah Gelombang Permukaan dengan Menggunakan Metode Perturbasi Homotopi
Surface wave is a phenomenon that is encountered at the sea surface. Generally, the motion of surface waves in three dimensions could be described mathematically in the form of Kadomtsev-Petviashvili (KP) equation. ...
Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Produk Domestik Regional Bruto per Kapita di Indonesia
Wealthiness is the goal of human development in the world. The achievement of human development has been the center of attention of administrators. The United Nations (UN) provides a standard measure of human development, ...
Optimasi Biaya Operasional Kereta Api dalam Sistem Loop Line Menggunakan Pemrograman Integer Taklinear
High demand for transportation that causes passenger’s congestion in some stations is one of the main problems faced by PT KAI commuter Jabodetabek (KCJ). This problem can be solved by determining optimal routes and ...
Penentuan Tingkat Kemiskinan Menggunakan Logika Fuzzy pada Koperasi Baytul-Ikhtiar Bogor
Poverty is a problem for every country in the world, including Indonesia. Many indicators have been used to determining the level of poverty. Baytul-Ikhtiar cooperation (BAIK) is a cooperation that offers a micro-credit ...
Fungsi Interpolasi untuk Tabel Mortalita
Every human has a risk of death. Insurance is a way to minimize the risk. People who join the insurance have an obligation to pay a premium. One of the parameters to calculate the premium price is the table of mortality. ...
Pelabelan Super Vertex Magic
Super vertex magic labeling is labeling on graph with is a set of edges mapped into and is a set of vertices mapped into . It has a vertex magic labeling in which and represents the size and order of the graph respectively. ...