Now showing items 1-10 of 45
Algoritme LLL dan Aplikasinya dalam Pembongkaran Sistemkripto Knapsack Merkle-Hellman
LLL algorithm is an algorithm that can be used to determine an approximation of the shortest vector in a lattice. Size reduction algorithm is an important step of LLL algorithm. The LLL algorithm can be applied in many ...
Pemodelan Transaksi Pelanggan Menggunakan Model Hidden Markov
A customer transaction is one of the activities needed to establish a market. This event may happen at any time in a long time series and may be repeated in the future. If the causes of customer transactions are assumed ...
Penggunaan Metode Perturbasi Homotopi untuk Menyelesaikan Masalah Aliran Fluida Sisko pada Pipa LurusThe Use of Homotopy Perturbation Method to Solve Problems of Sisko Fluid Flow in a Straight Pipe
Sisko fluid is a liquid, which has an important role in daily life as well as in industrial processes. A mathematical model to describe the flow velocity and shear stress of Sisko fluid is derived from the laws of mass and ...
Pemfaktoran Kunci RSA dengan Metode Penyaringan KuadratikFactoring RSA Keys with Quadratic Sieve Method
Sending data by network might be hacked by others for certain purposes. Therefore, the data should be encrypted before it is sent. RSA (Rivest Samir Adleman) is one of public key cryptosystem method for encrypting data. ...
Pemodelan Nilai Tukar Rupiah terhadap Dollar Amerika Menggunakan Deret Waktu Hidden Markov Empat Waktu Sebelumnya
The exchange rate of Rupiah to US Dollar fluctuates according to time in a long period. An existing exchange rate might happen again in the future. Assume that the causes of the fluctuation are not observed directly and ...
Prediksi Perpindahan Penggunaan Merek Simcard dengan Pendekatan Rantai Markov
Offering cheaper starter pack of simcard and cheaper tariff in GSM prepaid card constitute some strategies of telecommunication provider in costumer’s designation. However, there is a significant consequence caused by these ...
Penjadwalan Bus Transjakarta untuk Meminimumkan Biaya OperasionalScheduling Transjakarta Buses to Minimize Operational Costs
Traffic problem has become a common phenomenon in big cities in Indonesia, such as Jakarta. The bus rapid transit (BRT) system is one of the solutions of the traffic problem in Jakarta. The BRT system, that has been developed ...
Pengukuran Fertilitas dengan Menggunakan Metode Rele dan Gunasekaran-PalmoreThe Measurement of Fertility Using Rele and Gunasekaran-Palmore Methods
Fertility is an important factor in population projection beside mortality and migration. Unfortunately, in most countries, especially in underdeveloped countries, the direct measurement of fertility is difficult to obtain ...
Penyelesaian Masalah Chinese Postman pada Graf Campuran Menggunakan Metode Heuristik Balans-Genap
One of the problems in determining an optimal route is the well-known Chinese Postman Problem (CPP). Among many kinds of CPP, this work discusses the mixed one (MCPP), where the representing graph has two types of edge: ...
Implementasi Knowledge Graph untuk Abstraksi Teks
Knowledge is an important factor in human life. Knowledge can be obtained from various sources and one of them is from a text. The text used in this study is Indonesian text on food security. To gain knowledge in the text, ...