Now showing items 1-10 of 43
Model Regresi Laten Pada Efek PlaseboLatent Regression Model on Placebo Effect.
Regression analysis models the relationship between response variables with one or more predictor variables. The complexity of the analysis will increase, when it involves latent predictors, which are unobserved. Regression ...
Penetapan harga Zero Coupon Bond menggunakan perluasan model Cox-Ingersoll-Ross
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2011)
Interest rate is one of important factors that used to adopt investment decisions. One of investment types is the bond. In reality, the interest rate must not negative. This research, introduces an interest rate model which ...
Pendugaan parameter model dinamik dengan menggunakan metode kuadrat terkecil dan implementasinya dengan mathematica
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2011)
The method of least squares is a parameter estimation method which is most commonly used to estimate the value the parameters of a model based on some observation data in a way that minimizes the error sum of squares. The ...
Pengoptimuman pada Masalah Pemrograman Linear dengan Koefisien IntervalOptimization in Linear Programming with Interval Coefficients Problems.
On some applications of linear programming problems (LP), the coefficient on the model often can not be determined precisely. One method to solve this LP problem is to use an interval approach, where uncertain coefficients ...
Pendugaan fungsi sebaran dan fungsi kepekatan peluang waktu tunggu proses poisson periodik
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2011)
This manuscript is concerned with estimation of distribution and probability density function of the waiting time of a periodic Poisson process. It is assumed, that the period of this process is known, but the intensity ...
Penyelesaian Magic Square Sebagai Permasalahan Sistem Persamaan Linear (SPL)Finding solution for Magic Square as Linear Equation System (LES) Problems
Magic square is an arrangement of numbers from 1 to into n × n squares such that the sum of each rows, columns and diagonals are same. The magic square has been studied for a long time, in a note from China called Lo ...
Perbandingan Metode Knowledge Graph dan Concept Mapping sebagai Teknik Menangkap Pengetahuan.The Comparison of Knowledge Graph and Concept Mapping Methods as Knowledge Capturing Technique
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2011)
Pengetahuan merupakan faktor yang paling penting untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumberdaya manusia. Pengetahuan dapat diperoleh dari berbagai sumber, salah satunya teks. Teks yang akan dikaji pada tulisan ini adalah teks ...
Analisis kestabilan model SIR, SIR vaksinasi, SEIR dan MSEIR sebagai model-model penyebaran penyakit Campak (Measles)
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2011)
Measles disease is an extremely dangerous disease. It caused by virus that spreads through direct to the contact with victims or air. Measles disease can cause complication, mustle disfunction and organ, physical defect, ...
Consistent Estimation of the Distribution and the Density Function of Waiting Time of a Cyclic Poisson Process with Linear Trend.Kekonsistenan Penduga Fungsi Sebaran dan Fungsi Kepekatan Peluang Waktu Tunggu Proses Poisson Periodik dengan Tren Linear.
This manuscript is concerned with consistent estimation of the distribution and the density function of waiting time of a cyclic Poisson process with linear trend. It is assumed that the period of the cyclic component is ...
Sebaran asimtotik penduga turunan pertama dan turunan kedua fungsi intensitas proses poisson periodik
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2011)
This manuscript is concerned with estimation of the first and second derivatives of intensity function of a periodic Poisson process. To construct the estimators for the first and second derivatives of this intensity ...