Now showing items 1-10 of 12
Optimalisasi eksekusi saham dengan biaya likuiditas taklinear
Generally, transaction in capital market considers two things. i.e. transaction cost and transaction risk. The transaction cost arises from temporary and permanent market impact. Tempofmy market impact represents a liquidity ...
Pembangkitan Bilangan Prima dengan Metode Saringan Eratosthenes
Cryptograph is required in securing information or data transmission. In cryptograph, prime numbers are required in high level message security. These prime numbers are acquired by generation method. There are many ...
Dinamika Infeksi Virus HIV dengan Terapi Reserve Transciptase Inhibitor CRT Inhibitor)
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrom (AIDS) is a disease in the human system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). In general, HIV virus is transmitted through direct contact with a body fluid containing HIV virus, ...
Analisis Biplot untuk Memetakan Provinsi Berdasarkan Prestasi Mahasiswa TPB IPB dan Nilai Ujian Nasional
Quality description of schools in academic field is supposed to be seen from attainment of national exam (UN) score. Students’ achievement in college can be described with acquisition of high GPA. Provincial mapping can ...
Penerapan prinsip maksimum Pontryagin pada masalah periklanan
Iklan merupakan komunikasi komersial dan promosi non-personal tentang gagasan, barang atau jasa yang dibayar oleh satu sponsor atau pihak tertentu. Untuk membuat sebuah iklan, perusahaan harus mengeluarkan biaya tambahan. ...
Penjadwalan Produksi Roti Manis di PT Nippon Indosari Corpindo dengan Menggunakan Metode Heuristik
Creating an efficient production scheduling was one of possible ways to maximize profit. The scheduling method mentioned above could be obtained via Integer Nonlinear Programming (INLP) and the heuristic method. This study ...
Adsorpsi dan desorpsi ion kromium(VI) pada bentonit yang dimodifikasi Heksadesiltrimetilamonium bromida
Bentonite is abundant mineral in Indonesia and potentially as adsorbent. Bentonite has negatively charge, so bentonite has high capability to adsorp cations, while the capability of bentonite to adsorp anion was very low. ...
Model Pertumbuhan Penduduk Kuasi-Stabil dan Aplikasi Terhadap Data Penduduk Indonesia
Jumlah penduduk suatu bangsa mengalami perubahan pada setiap waktu. Perubahan jumlah penduduk dapat diakibatkan oleh beberapa faktor, antara lain fertilitas, mortalitas, migrasi dan perkawinan. Karya ilmiah ini bertujuan ...
Penentuan Premi Sistem Bonus Malus dengan Menggunakan Fungsi Utilitas Eksponensial
A Bonus Malus system is one of systems used in the automobile insurance. This system introduces the clasification of premium level, which is influenced by the number of claims from the policyholder every year. This paper ...
Pendugaan Peri ode dari Proses Poisson Periodik
In this manuscript a method for estimating period T of a periodic Poisson process which is observed in interval [O,nj is discussed. From the research that has been done, it has been proven that the estimator for T is ...