Now showing items 11-20 of 109
Pemodelan optimasi mitigasi risiko rantai pasok produk/komoditas Jagung
(Agritech Jurnal Pertanian, 2011)
Selain lebih kompleks, rantai pasok produk pertanian juga bersifat probabilistik, dinamis dan kebergantungan yang tinggi. Hal ini terjadi karena produk pertanian bersifat mudah rusak, proses penanaman, pertumbuhan dan ...
Analisis Keberlanjutan Agroindustri Perikanan Tangkap Potensial Dan Kebijakan Pengembangannya Di Kawasan Pesisir Kabupaten Tuban Lamongan Dan Gresik
Small scale and medium of capture fisheries agroindustry facing serious problems Fom various aspects that threaten its sustainability. This study aims to analyze the sustainability of potential capture fisheries agroindustry ...
The Solar Cooker HS 5521 and HS 5921 Tested in Indonesia
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2010)
This paper describes two designs of Indonesian solar box cooker with a mirror reflector. Both have the aperture area of 2343 cm2. Their difference in design and performance are described in detail. The comparison of their ...
Simulation To Design Indonesian Solar Cooker Type Hs Using The Energy Profiles Information
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2010)
This paper describes a simulation to develop the design of Indonesian solar box cooker. The assumptions used and the physical considerations in designing are discussed. The finding in the field are used to check the validity ...
Development of water control for tropical wetland agriculture
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2010)
Water level control in agriculture land converted from tropical peat land is very crucial, not only for attaining optimum production but also for preventing soil degradation. Commonly, peat soil tends to subside when the ...
Pemanfaatan Ekstrak Mawar sebagai Flavour dan Essence dalam Pembuatan Es Krim
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2010)
Program ini bertujuan untuk mendirikan usaha pembuatan es krim rasa mawar dalam upaya untuk 1) menambah variasi produk essence mawar, 2) memasyarakatkan produk es krim rasa mawar, 3) mengembangkan kemampuan mahasiswa untuk ...
Release Of Phenolic Acids And Carbon From Rice Fields On Central Kalimantan (Indonesia) Peatlands
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2010)
An experiment was conducted on three physiographical peatlands; coastal at Samuda, transitional at Sampit, and inland at Berengbengkel, Central Kalimantan. Under water-saturated conditions, peat decomposition releases some ...
Experimental investigation on the application of vibration to reduce draft requirement of subsoiler
(The Asian Association for Agricultural Engineering (AAAE), 2010)
This paper presents the application of vibration to reduce subsoiler draft. In this research, two different techniques of induced vibration were used. The first was the oscillated subsoiler wing technique, and the second ...
Hubungan panjang dan lebar dengan bobot tubuh serta faktor kondisi populasi ranjungan (Portunus pelagicus) jantan dan betina di perairan pantai brebes
(Jurnal Akuitika, 2010)
The research was conducted in Brebes district coastal waters Central Java Province for twelve month from April 2008 to March 2009. The aims of the research is to know Length/Width-Weight relationship of blue swimming ...
Formulasi Definisi Agroindustri Dengan Pendekatan Backward Tracking
(Pangan Media Komunikasi dan Informasi, 2011)
Istilah agroindustri telah dikenal selama kurang lebih 30 tahun belakangan ini. Sejak diperkenalkan sampai sekarang istilah ini telah diterima dengan baik di masyarakat terbukti dengan adanya unit-unit kerja bidang ...