Now showing items 1-10 of 174
The Dynamics of Bacterial Communities During Traditional Nata de Coco Fermentation
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2007)
One of the Important problems in traditional Nata de Coco (Nata) fermentation is production inconsistency due la strain or genetic variability reflecting mixed microbial communities involved in this process. This research ...
Kajian pengaruh suhu dan kecepatan pengadukan pada proses produksi surfaktan dary metil ester minyak inti sawit (PKO) dengan metode sulfonasi
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2007)
Methyl ester sulphonate (MES) is an anionic surfactant madefrom natural resources, such as palm kernel methyl ester and has been widely used in soap and detergent industry. The purposes of this research were to get the ...
Properties of Thermostable Proteases with Fibrinolytic Activity from Local Earthworm Extracts (Lumbricus rubollus and Pheretima aslatica)
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2007)
Earthworm extract was widely used for traditional medicine in oriental countries for centuries. Recently, earthworm extract were studied further for its potential application for treatment of thrombosis diseases. Earthworm ...
Uji Fitokimia dan Toksitas Ekstrak Air Daun Sirih Merah (Piper crocatum )
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2006)
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) merupakan suatu kelompok penyakit metabolik yang tidak hanya menjadi masalah negara maju saja tetapi juga di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Tanaman sirih merah (Piper crocafum) merupakan salah ...
Lactic Acid Produced from Tapioka and Sago Wastes
(The Japan ASEAN Exchange Program Fund Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), 2005)
Liquid waste as consequences of tapioca and sago starch industries has caused environmental pollution. Mono- and disaccharides are dominant in the waste. These components are easily fermented to produce lactic acid, a ...
Protein Sejenis Silicatein dari Sponge sebagai Katalis Polimerisasi Silika
(“Perkembangan Teknologi Polimer Terkini dan Tantangan Global”. Simposium Nasional Polimer VI, Himpunan Polimer Indonesia, 2007-02)
Protein sejenis Silicatein dari sponge sebagai katalis polimerisasi silika. Silika merupakan polimer dari silikon dioksida yang banyak digunakan sebagai bahan dasar untuk industri pangan, semikonduktor, peralatan elektronik ...
Pengembangan Algoritma Pengolahan Citra untuk Pemutuan Kopi Beras
(Agro-Techno, 2009)
Komoditas kopi memiliki prospek yang baik untuk pengembangan agribisnis dan agroindustri di Indonesia, karena itu perlu ditangani secara baik dan professional. Pemutuan kopi beras komersial sebagai komoditas bijian hingga ...
Aktivitas Antibakteri Laktobasili Asal Makanan Ferment Asi Indonesia Terhadap Patogen dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Mikroflora Usus Tikus
(Jurnal Obat Bahan Alam Fakultas Farmasi Unika Widya Mandala Surabaya, 2008-05)
Delapan belas galur bakteri asa1l1 laktat dari genus laktobasili yang diisolasi dari makanan fennentasi tradisional Indonesia diteliti akti"itas antagonistiknya melawan bakteri patogen meliputi Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus ...
Fraksinasi Komponen Nonpolimer Damar Mata Kucing (Shorea Javanica) Untuk Memperoleh Agens Pengeruh
(PERSADA, 2008)
Dammar is Indonesian nontimber agro forest products, one of them is cat eye dammar. This dammar has been recognized as the best dammar in the world and can be used as food additive. This research was conducted to develop ...
Perkembangan Teknik Refrigerasi dan Pemanfaatan Hidrokarbon sebagai Refrigeran untuk Mesin Pembeku
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2005)
As a tropical country relying on agricultural products, Indonesia has much concern in the development of refrigeration technology. After the ratification of the Montreal Protocol and Kyoto Protocol, the global problem in ...