Now showing items 1-10 of 23
Uji Fitokimia dan Toksitas Ekstrak Air Daun Sirih Merah (Piper crocatum )
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2006)
Diabetes Mellitus (DM) merupakan suatu kelompok penyakit metabolik yang tidak hanya menjadi masalah negara maju saja tetapi juga di negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Tanaman sirih merah (Piper crocafum) merupakan salah ...
Optimasi proses maserasi vanili (Vanilla planifolia Andrews) hasil modifikasi proses kuring
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2006)
Modified cured vanilla was processed to vanilla extract by maceration method. The aim of this research were to optimize the method of maceration, type of vanilla bean with highest vanillin content, extraction solvent ...
Karbohidrat dalam makanan bayi
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2006)
Secara kimia, karbohidrat dapat didefinisikan sebagai turunan aldehid atau keton dari alkohol polihidrik (karena mengandung gugus hidroksi lebih dari satu), atau sebagai senyawa yang menghasilkan turunan tersebut apabila ...
Prospek Steinernema sp. dan Heterorhabditis sp. sebagai Agens Pengendali Meloidogyne incognita Chitwood di Laboratorium
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2006)
Meloidogyne incognita merupakan patogen yang bersifat polyfag di berbagai tipe tanah. Kehilangan hasil mencapai lebih dari 12-15% pada tanaman kedelai. Meloidogyne incognita berinteraksi dengan beberapa patogen karena ...
Model Usaha Kios Soto Bening Bandung dan Minuman Yoghurt di Bukit Sentul, Bogor
(Jurnal MPI Magister Profesional Industri Kecil Menrngah Sekolah Pascasarjana IPB, 2006)
The menus of 'soto bening bandullg" dish (clear soup dish of Ba"dung) and yogurt drink arg the main products offered by Farra's kiosk. The seiecllon of the meru was based on the rn.~rkel observation in Bogor, which offers ...
Maceration process optimation of vanili (Vanilla Planifolia Andrews) from modified curing
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2006)
Modified cured vanilla was processed to vanilla extract by maceration method. The aim of this research were to optimize the method of maceration, type of vanilla bean with highest vanillin content, extraction solvent ...
Isoflavon, Senyawa Multi-Manfaat dalam Kedelai
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2006)
Physiologically-Activie Potencies of Tropical Food Ingredients
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2006)
Indonesia is the biggest archipelago tropical country in the world, therefore this country is rich of tropical natural resources which can be developed as various foods. Moreover, Indonesia has a dense population with ...
Pengaruh metode pembekuan dan pengeringan terhadap karakteristik grits jagung instan
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2006)
Bassang is a traditional food of Makassar mainly made of corn grits. The food takes about 23 hours of traditional preparation. This lengthy process leads to a need for a technological innovation for a quicker preparation. ...
Senyawa bioaktif rimpang jahe (Zingiber officinale Roscue) meningkatkan respon sitolitik sel NK terhadap sel kanker darah K-562 in vitro
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2006)
Natural killer (NK) cell, a kind of lymphocyte cells, plays an important role in attacking infectious, immature, and cancer cell. Its function could be modulated by food bioactive compounds. This experiment was conducted ...