Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Konsultasi Bisnis dan Penempatan Kerja (KBPK) di Institut Pertanian Bogor Tahun 2001
Kegiatan Konsultasi Bisnis dan Penempatan Kerja(KBPK) tahun anggaran 2001 merupakan kelanjtna dari kegiatan tahun sebelumnya. Ragam kegiatan yang dilaksanakan adalah Pelayanan Konsultasi Bisnis; Seminar Pembekalan; Studium ...
communicating food science and technology: from a developing country to a developed country point of view
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2002)
The history of food is a history of thousands of years of human choice set in the context of an almost darwinian process of natural selection.
Pemanfaatan Minyak Sawit yang Disaponifikasi sebagai Sumber Karbon dan Diamonium Hidrogenfosfat [(NH4)2HPO4] sebagai Sumber Nitrogen dalam Produksi Poli-β-Hidroksialkanoat
(Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), 2002)
medis, perabot rumah tangga, mainan anak-anak, dan lain-lain Sifatnya yang fleksibel, relatif murah, mudah diperoleh dan ringan adalah keunggulan plastik yang mendukung ketergantungan terhadapnya. Plastik yang umum digunakan ...
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2002)
District of Bogor is a region in West Java which produces a lot of nutmeg In 2002. area of nutmeg crop in District of Bogor was 547.5 ha with nutmeg production level reached 100.05 ton. There ore many industries or distilliers ...
Studi Kualitiatif Mengenai Alasan Menyitir Dokumen:Kasus pada lima mahasiswa program Pascasarjana IPB
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2002)
Qualitative Study on Reason for Citing Documents: A case study of five Bogor Agricultural University's post-graduate students This paper is a qualitative study to find out why the postgraduate, the respondents of the study, ...
Biological nutrient removal from agroindustrial wastewater using a two reactor system
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2002)
Agroindustrial wastewater is rich in oganic material, especially organic carbon and nutrient. In this work a two reactors syste, consinsts of anoxic and erobic reactor was operated with different recycle and C/N ratio. ...