Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Estimation model of basin water yield of five main rivers in Aceh Province 

      Husnan | Pawitan, Hidayat | Irianto, Gatot | Murtilaksono, Kukuh | Basri, Hairul (2010)
      The design of hydrologic model may vary depend on some influencing factors, such as size, slope, river network and land use of the watershed. All these factors will affect the water yield. This research will study the ...
    • Organogenesis dan konservasi in vitro pamelo (Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr.). 

      Tyas, Kartika Ning | Susanto, Slamet | Dewi, Iswari Saraswati | Khumaida, Nurul (2012)
      Indonesia has high diversity of pummelo (Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr.) which economically potential. The pummelo diversity must be conserved to overcome its extinction due to biotic and abiotic stresses. In vitro conservation ...
    • Peningkatan kinerja konservasi penyu melalui strategi manajemen konservasi 

      Harteti, Sri | Basuni, Sambas | Masy'ud, Burhanuddin | Yulianda, Fredinan (2013)
      Penyu merupakan spesies dilindungi karena penurunan populasinya pada berbagai habitat peneluran. Perubahan habitat peneluran dan perilaku manusia menyebabkan penurunan populasi penyu. Tujuan umum penelitian ini adalah ...
    • Studies on Preserving Maize Genetic Diversity Through Developing Core Collection 

      Risliawati, Andari | Sobir | Trikoesoemaningtyas | Suwarno, Willy Bayuardi | Lestari, Puji (2023)
      The research and development in maize are immense, leading to hundreds of maize-improved varieties being released in Indonesia. In order to ensure the sustained availability of broad genetic diversity, the conservation of ...