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dc.contributor.advisorRidwan, Wonny Ahmad
dc.contributor.authorFernanda, Brillian Idha
dc.description.abstractBRILLIAN IDHA FERNANDA. Preferensi Konsumen dan Kelayakan Bisnis Produk Abon Telur pada PT Eighty Six Farm. Dibimbing oleh WONNY AHMAD RIDWAN. PT Eighty Six Farm menghadapi masalah penanganan telur retak dan tidak memiliki pelanggan tetap, sehingga ada peluang untuk mengolahnya menjadi abon telur. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi preferensi konsumen dan menilai kelayakan bisnis abon telur dari aspek non-finansial dan finansial. Metode yang digunakan meliputi metode konjoin, analisis hedonik, dan kelayakan bisnis. Hasil uji hedonik menunjukkan produk disukai (skala 4). Analisis konjoin menunjukkan konsumen memilih harga Rp 10.000, kemasan toples 150 ml, dan rasa pedas dengan tekstur halus. Berdasarkan aspek finansial menggunakan perhitungan kriteria investasi usaha ini layak untuk dijalankan didasarkan pada kriteria analisis kelayakan Abon Telur R/C ratio sebesar 1,4 yang menunjukan pendapatan melebihi total biaya sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa usaha abon telur ini layak direalisasikan. Kata kunci : abon telur, kelayakan bisnis, preferensi konsumen
dc.description.abstractBRILLIAN IDHA FERNANDA. Consumer Preferences and Business Feasibility of Abon Egg Products at PT Eighty Six Farm. Supervised by WONNY AHMAD RIDWAN. PT Eighty Six Farm faces the problem of handling cracked eggs and has no regular customers, so there is an opportunity to process them into shredded eggs. This study aims to identify consumer preferences and assess the business feasibility of shredded eggs from non-financial and financial aspects. The methods used include conjoin method, hedonic analysis, and business feasibility. Hedonic test results showed that the product was favored (scale 4). Conjoin analysis showed that consumers chose the price of IDR 10,000, 150 ml jar packaging, and spicy taste with smooth texture. Based on the financial aspects using the calculation of investment criteria, this business is feasible to run based on the Abon Egg R/C ratio feasibility analysis criteria of 1.4 which shows revenue exceeds total costs so it can be concluded that this shredded egg business is feasible to realize. Keywords: business feasibility, consumer preferences, shredded eggs
dc.publisherIPB Universityid
dc.titlePreferensi Konsumen dan Kelayakan Bisnis Produk Abon Telur pada PT Eighty Six Farmid
dc.title.alternativeConsumer Preferences and Business Feasibility of Abon Egg Products at PT Eighty Six Farm
dc.typeTugas Akhir
dc.subject.keywordbusiness feasibilityid
dc.subject.keywordconsumer preferencesid
dc.subject.keywordshredded eggsid

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