Now showing items 11-16 of 16
Ekstrak kasar bangle yang mengandung flavonoid, steroid, dan tanin yang mampu meningkatkan aktivitas lipase mungkin dapat juga meningkatkan aktivitas kolesterol oksidase, seperti halnya dwifungsi daun jati belanda sebagai ...
Immunoglobin Titer of Suckling Kids as a Result of Colostrum IntakeIn Vitro Anti-Proliferation and Anti-Invasion Activities of the Combination Between Recombinant Canine Interferon ( rCaIFN) with Luffa cylindrical Seed Methanol and Chloroform Extracts on MCM-B2 Derived Tumor Cell Line In Collagen Gel MediumPhysiological Status of Indoor Sheep in the Tropical Rain Forest (HPGW) Environtment
(East Asia Germany Alumni Network (SEAG), 2005)
This study is concerned with the supply of newborn kids with antibodies via colostrums. Twenty kids were assigned to three groups, the first of which received Ccolostrum within the first hour after birth, the second and ...
Adaptasi pertumbuhan dan kandungan flavonoid daun Dewa (Gynura pseudochina (L.) DC) asal kultur in vitro pada intensitas cahaya rendah
(Dep. Agronomi & Hortikultura, Faperta IPB, 2007)
Daun dewa (Gynura pseudochina (L.) DC) telah digunakan sebagai obat anti kanker oleh masyarakat Indonesia, karena mengandung bahan bioaktif khususnya senyawa golongan flavonoid. Untuk meningkatkan kandungan flavonoid daun ...
Pengaruh Bakteri Endofit Terhadap Multiplikasi Tunas dan Pertumbuhan Bibit Pisang Rajabulu (AAB)
(Prosiding Seminar Nasional PERHORTI 2011, 2011-11-22)
This research was conducted to observe the effects association of endophytic bacteria on Rajabulu (AAB) on the ability of PGPR, to promote multiplication and growth during seedling stadium. The first experiment was to study ...
Optimasi Pertumbuhan dan Multiplikasi Lini Klon PLBs Anggrek Spathoglottis plicata Blume Melalui Modifikasi Komposisi Medium MS dan Sitokinin
(Perhimpunan Hortikultura Indonesia, 2011)
This experiment was aimed to obtain the best combination formulations of vitamin and sucrose concentrations of the medium, and the best combination between types of cytokinins and its concentration on inducing the best ...
Chimera production by embryo aggregation method and cultured in vitro without zona pellucida in mice
(Bogor Agriculture University, 2001)
The objective of this research was to study the developmental competence of single and aggregated embryos develop in vitro and in vivo in relation to the phenotypically aspects of the chimeric mice. Chimeric embryos ...