Now showing items 1-10 of 19
Model Perencanaan konsumsi Pangan yang Memenuhi Kebutuhan Gizi, Kebiasaan Pangan dengan Biaya Minimum
(Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 1997-12-02)
The purpose of this study was to formulate food consumption model for rural low income families. The food consumption model met nutritional adequacy and minimum cost and the family food preferences. Data were collected ...
Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Gejala Fisik dan Gejala Jiwa Stress pada Ibu Bekerja dan Ibu tidak Bekerja
(Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 1995-07-01)
The purpose of this study was to examine factors influencing physical and psysical and psychological stress of working women and non working women. A sample of 120 women was randomly selected from a kelurahan (village) in ...
Family and Housing : An Analysis of the Effect of Tenure Status on Propensity to Move
(Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 1994-07-01)
Rumah adalah salah satu sumberdaya keluarga yang sangat penting. Rumah bukan saja memberikan perlindungan fisik bagi anggota keluarga, tetapi juga merupakan sumberdaya utama yang dibutuhkan keluarga untuk tempat menumbuhkan ...
Penggunaan Goal Programming dalam Penentuan Diit Diabetes Mellitus
(Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 1999-07-01)
The purpose of this study was to determine the amount of food in the Diabetic Mellitus (DM) Diet Plan. Dietitians usually use the Food Exhange List method in computing the amount of food recommended for the DM diet. However, ...
Analisis Produktivitas Kerja Sektor Pertanian dan Luar Pertanian serta Kaitannya dengan Status Gizi Petani
(Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 1994-12)
The objectives of the study are to identify farm and non-farm productivities and to examine factor influencing such productivities. Data were obtained from 148 houseolds randomlyselected in two village in Kecamatan Jonggol, ...
Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Peran Suami dalam Pekerjaan Rumah Tangga
(Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 1996-12-02)
The purpose of this study was to identity husband’s role and time allocation on household works and to examine factors in fluencing husband’s roles in households works. The data were collected from 600 families in East ...
Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kebahagiaan Perkawinan pada Ibu Bekerja dan Ibu tidak Bekerja
(Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 1995-07-01)
Preferensi dan Persepsi konsumsi Terhadap Makanan Tradisional Sunda
(Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 1996-07-01)
The purpose of this study was to identify consumer’s preference and perception on Sundanese restaurants in Kotamadya Bogor. Data were gathered from two sundanese restaurants in Kotamadya Bogor. About 100 repondents were ...
Studi Transisi Keluarga dan Sistem Gotong Royong
(Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 1996-07-01)
The purpose of this study is to examine the changes of urban and rural community’s gotong-royong. The gotong-royong system analyzed include child care, social activitie, and religious activities. Data were gathered from ...
Analisis Perubahan Konsumsi Pangan dan Bukan Pangan pada Keluarga Miskin di Pedesaan dan Perkotaan di Masa Krisis Ekonomi
(Media Gizi dan Keluarga, 1999-12-02)
The purpose of this study was to examine the changes in food and non food consumption of low income families in rural and urban areas during the economic crisis, and to investigate the relationship between families’ ...