Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Development of a technique for early sexing of Koi (Ornamental carp) 

      Jaya, Indra | Iqbal, Muhammad (2009)
      One of the critical issues faced by a Koi's breeder is sexing at the early age, sinee it will result in financial benefit for the breeder. In this paper we describe the results of early technique that is developed for the ...
    • Pengembangan Teknik Penentuan Dini Jenis Kelamin Koi 

      Jaya, Indra | Iqbal, Muhammad (2009)
      Salah satu faktor utama yang dihadapi para pemulia atau pembudidaya koi adalah bagaimana meng­ identifikasi jenis kelamin koi sedini mungkin, 1ika identifikasi ini dapat dilakukan sedini mungkin ...