Now showing items 1-10 of 2085
Kajian Penampilan Reproduksi Sapi Brahman Cross Program Aksi Perbibitan di Indonesia
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengamati dan mengkaji tampilan reproduksi sapi Brahman Cross ex-impor yang dibuntingkan dan disebar ke daerah-daerah di Indonesia. Sebanyak 7.782 ekor sapi Brahman Cross yang telah ...
Profil Indeks Klinis dan Kesehatan Kuku Berdasarkan Kelompok Ternak Pada Domba Garut.
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2015)
The level of productivity of sheep is closely linked to the health condition. In order to increased the health condition of Garut’s sheep we perform clinical evaluation based on physiological state. This study was conducted ...
Studi Kasus Mikosis Kutis pada Kucing dengan Menggunakan Wood’s Lamp Screening Test
Cutaneous mycoses is a disease that commonly found in the veterinary practice. Many kinds of fungi can grow easily in tropical countries such as Indonesia. Bogor is a city in West Java with high rainfall, thus potential ...
Studi Histopatologi Pengaruh Ekstrak Minyak Jintan Hitam (Nigella sativa) pada Organ Pertahanan Ayam Broiler
Nigella sativa, known as black cumin is a herb that is widely used in treating various diseases, including as an anti-cancer. The purpose of this study is to study histologically the lymphoid organs of broiler chickens ...
Status Akrosom dan Kualitas Spermatozoa Domba Lokal (Ovis aries) yang Dibekukan dalam Pengencer Tris Kuning Telur dengan Jenis Gula Berbeda.
(IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2015)
This research was conducted to study the acrosome status (intact and not intact) and quality (motility percentage, viability, plasma membrane integrity) of local ram’s spermatozoa cryopreserved in tris egg yolk extender ...
Efek Pemberian Kombinasi Herbal dan Zink Terhadap Jumlah Eritrosit, Nilai Hematokrit, dan Kadar Hemoglobin Ayam Broiler yang Diinfeksi Escherichia coli
This study aims to find out the effect of combine turmeric (Curcuma domestica Val.) or garlic (Allium sativum Linn.) with Zn on erythrocyte, hematocrit and hemoglobin of broiler chickens infected by Escherichia coli. 200 ...
Studi Kasus: Kajian Histopatologi Pada Kematian Seekor Biawak Ambon (Varanus indicus)
The aim of this case study was to study the cause of death of an Ambon monitor lizard (Varanus indicus) which died suddenly without showing any clinical signs. Organs that were showing abnormality were collected and ...
Sinkronisasi Estrus pada Domba Garut (Ovis aries) menggunakan Prostaglandin dan ProgesteronEstrous Synchronization in Garut Sheep (Ovis aries) with Prostaglandin and Progesterone.
Study of estrous synchronization was done on 25 female Garut sheeps. This study was cunducted to find out effectiveness hormone application and estrous characteristic. Synchronization was done by injection of Prostaglandin ...
Pengaruh Pemberian Formula Ekstrak 4 Tanaman Obat (Temulawak, Sambiloto, Meniran, Temu Ireng) terhadap Gambaran Histopatologi Bursa Fabricius Ayam Broiler
The objective of this research is to elaborate the effects of four medicinal plants extract formulas on histopatological lesions of chicken bursa of Fabricius by examine the general lesions and measuring the area of plicae ...
Uji aktivitas hepatoprotektor ekstrak air pegagan (Centella asiatica) terhadap tikus putih jantan yang diinduksi parasetamol
This study was undertaken to investigate activity of Centella asiatica extract against paracetamol induced liver damage in male Wistar albino rats. Rats were divided into five groups namely control (aquadest), herb extract ...