Browsing UT - Veterinary Clinic Reproduction and Pathology by Title
Now showing items 165-184 of 2164
Cara Pencagahan Terhadap Anzootik Bovine Leukosis
(1987)Bovine Leukosis atau Inzootik Bovine Leukosis (EBL) adalah suatu penyakit tumor darah pada sapi yang disebab- kan oleh virus yang dikenal dengan BLV, dan merupakan neo- plasma ganas yang bersifat progresif dan fatal.. BLV ... -
Cardiac Performance Using Echocardiography and Its Correlation to Body Weight of Healthy Police Horses
(2024-07-05)Police forces in Indonesia train and use Warmblood horses to conduct official police tasks. Optimal cardiovascular health and body weight of these horses are vital to ensure their performance is not compromised during ... -
Cardiac Performance Using Echocardiography and Its Correlation to Body Weight of Healthy Police Horses
(2024)Police forces in Indonesia train and use Warmblood horses to conduct official police tasks. Optimal cardiovascular health and body weight of these horses are vital to ensure their performance is not compromised during ... -
Case Study Of Feline Infectious Peritonitis In Male British Shorthair
(2022-07-14)Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is a highly fatal disease in cat population which is caused by mutation of feline coronavirus (FCoV). This case study was designed to study and analyse the clinical and laboratories ... -
Case Study of Gallbladder Mucocele and Treatment Used In Small Animals
(2023-07-07)Gallbladder mucocele (GM) is defined as distention of the gallbladder caused by an inappropriate accumulation or deposition of high concentrations of bile. The purpose of this case study is to study GM conditions in small ... -
Case Study Of Habronemiasis In Horse In Bogor
(2021)Habronemiasis is a parasitic disease of horses which is caused by the invasion of Draschia megastoma, and Habronema muscae nematodes and is transmitted by stable flies. The goal of this case study is to compile as well as ... -
Case Study of Pituitary Tumor
(2023-07-28)The development of pituitary tumors in small rodents is a grievous and irreversible pathological condition. Detecting pituitary tumors is difficult, frequently resulting in a late-stage diagnosis or even post-mortem ... -
Case Study of Traumatic Diaphragmatic Hernia Repair in a Cat at Pet First Veterinary Centre, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
(2023-07-18)Traumatic diaphragmatic hernia is an injury to the thorax in which the forces applied to the diaphragm exceed the diaphragmatic holding strength, resulting in a defect that allows abdominal contents to protrude into the ... -
Case Study on Liver Neoplasia in Shih Tzu Dog
(2023-07-13)Liver neoplasia is the excessive and uncontrolled replication of hepatocytes that forms nodules visible in ultrasonography. The purpose of this study is to study and discuss the characteristic, diagnosis and treatment of ... -
Case Study Radiographic Interpretation of Dog’s Abdominal Disorder in MyVets Animal Clinic Kemang and Bumi Serpong Damai
(2010)The aim of this study was to analyze abnormality and disease in abdomen region of dog by radiographic interpretation. The study was done by radiographic interpretation and confirmed with medical record that was taken from ... -
Cemaran Enterobacteriaceae pada Daging Ayam dari Tempat Potong Unggas Kota Bogor
(2015)One of the popular meat in community of Indonesia is chicken meat. The information on microbiological status in chicken meat is required to determine the quality and safety. The objective of this research was to determine ... -
Citra Kadar Daging dan Benda Asing pada Awetan Bakso Secara Ultrasonografi, Radiografi, dan Tomografi Listrik
(2022)Pencitraan ultrasonografi dan radiografi digital dapat dimanfaatkan untuk menganalisis komposisi makanan dan bahaya fisik pada produk pangan. Namun, terdapat teknik pencitraan lain yang lebih murah, ukurannya kecil, ... -
Citra Ultrasonografi dan Profil Hematologi Kasus Neoplasia Testis pada Babi Domestik (Sus scrofa domestica)
(2022)Neoplasia pada testis disebabkan oleh kelainan perkembangan sistem reproduksi jantan, abnormalitas kongenital pada testis, kesalahan prosedural dan tindakan non aseptis pada praktik kastrasi pada hewan ternak. Diagnosis ... -
Comparison of Suture Patterns for Skin Closure in Feline Ovariohysterectomy
(2022)Ovariohysterectomy is routine surgery in small animal practice and wound dehiscence is the most common postoperative complications in this surgery. The objective of this study was to compare the suture pattern for skin ... -
Dampak negatif Hypocalcemia terhadap sapi perah dan upaya penanggulangannya : Suatu studi kasus di kawasan usaha peternakan (kunak) sapi perah Cibungbulang Bogor
(2002)Hypocalcemia merupakan penyakit metabolisme yang terjadi sebelum, pada saat atau setelah melahirkan. Kejadian ini ditandai dengan rendahnya kadar calcium dalam darah akibat peningkatan kebutuhan calcium untuk memproduksi ... -
Dasar dan kebijakan pernyataan pembebasan beberapa daerah di indonesia dari penyakit mulut dan kuku serta kelayakannya
(1985)Usaha untuk membebaskan beberapa daerah di Indonesia dari PMK secara Yuridis Formal telah dimulai sejak tahun 1974. Begitu juga dengan usaha untuk mempertahankan kebe- basan tersebut. Untuk Pulau Bali dan Madura pembebasan ... -
Daya Hidup Spermatozoa Babi Dalam Pengencer Miii® Ditambah Dengan Kuning Telur Dan Gliserol Disimpan Pada Suhu 5 °C Dan 18 °C
(2016)Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari kualitas semen segar babi dan membandingkan kualitas spermatozoa babi dalam pengencer MIII® ditambah dengan kuning telur dan gliserol disimpan pada suhu 5 oC dan 18 oC. Semen ... -
Daya kerja anti bakterial lipopolisakarida (LPS) asal dinding sel bakteri vibrio harveyi terhadap bakteri lingkungan
(2001)Lipopolisakarida (LPS) asal dinding sel bakteri Vibrio harveyi yang sangat berpotensi sebagai imunostimulan diharapkan mampu mengurangi kejadian-kejadian penyakit yang disebabkan oleh menurunnya daya dukung lingkungan ... -
Daya lindung vaksin-vaksin yang diberikan secara intramuskular pada ikan mas
(1988)ersity Ikan Mas adalah salah satu komoditi protein hewani yang cukup penting di Indonesia. Penyakit Bercak Merah yang akhir akhir ini banyak menyerang, merupakan kendala yang menimbulkan kerugian ekonomi yang cukup berarti ...