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dc.contributor.authorSahab, Ahmad
dc.description.abstractSpring at Blok S Cipendawa was dry since 1998, and it appearing back in 2003 after land was planted by teak, mengkudu, mahagoni, african wood, bamboo, and also cover crops which grow up naturally, as an effort of scrub grass land rehabilitation. To learn more about the causes and process of appearing back of the spring necessaries the research on land rehabilitation and water yield relationship (springs) in the location. This research had been carried out at Blok S Cipendawa, Megamendung village, Megamendung district, regency of Bogor, west Java. The data was collected in January – May 2008. The tools used were GPS Garmin 60 CS; ombrometer; infiltrometer; soil rings, ArcView 3.3 GIS extension AVSWAT 2000; contour digital map; tally sheet; stopwatch; pail, oven; Tank Model – GA Optimizer; and local annual rainfall data year 1998 – 2007. The research objects were water catchment area with land cover, spring‟s discharge and soil. Simple linier regression analysis shows strong correlation between spring discharge and rainfall with coefficient of correlation is 0.67. Analysis of Tank Model resulted 76.11% of spring‟s discharge derive from intermediate flow. According to those data, the spring at Blok S Cipendawa is a spring derives from small (shallow) aquifer. Re-appearing of spring at Blok S is caused by increasing of soil‟s infiltration rate over the land which is converted from scrub grass with infiltration rate of 17.65 mm/hour into mixed vegetation with infiltration rate of 70.96 mm/hour, as well as into teak & mengkudu vegetated land with infiltration rate of 139.16 mm/hour. The increasing of infiltration rate is caused by soil properties improvement; organic matter content from 3.03%; porosity 48.4%; field capacity 49.44%, to be (respectively at mixed vegetation and teak & mengkudu) 4.79% and 3.59%; 56.19% and 50.19%; 49.44% and 52.12%. The improvement of those soil properties is the effect of vegetation which produced much more litter, so that has increased soil‟s organic matter content, porosity and field capacity. On the other hand, land terracing reduced slope length and hold water then reducing run-off velocity and enable to absorb water into soil. Using manure has also enriched soil‟s organic matter content. Rehabilitation of scrub-grass land by planting trees, bamboo, and followed also by cover crops which grew up naturally, land terracing and using manure into soil has increased infiltration rate. As infiltration rate increased, groundwater discharge will increase as well, where reaching soil surface will appear as spring which flows along year. Key words: land rehabilitation, infiltration rate, soil properties, groundwater,
dc.titleHubungan Rehabilitasi Lahan Dengan Hasil Air (Studi Kasus Di Blok S Cipendawa, Desa Megamendung, Kecamatan Megamendung, Kabupaten Bogor, Propinsi Jawa Barat)id

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