dc.description.abstract | The research aimed to analyze lhe maximum number 0/ tourists which can be accepted
by Taman WisaJa Matahari site withOJl( creating environmental changes thai cannot be
Qcc~pted Qfld'or reducing the quality o/tourists' experience. Cjfoentu melhodJ used In
analyzing the ~cological carrying capacity, while the resl//ts o/Importance-Per/ormance
and Customer Satisfaction Index (eSI) analysis wed to elaborate the ecological carrying
capacity with tourists ' JM}'Ch%gicQi carrying capaCity. Different inten.sities of uses showed
significant effect on ecological/actors /ike soil quality and plants quality. The different
st'te's den.sity (approached by time period) affected CSI significantly only in the low visits.
Space of land we on ground recreOlion Is / .08 m2 each tOl/rirt, meanwhile the area a/water
recreaJion and artifiCial exploring r«reallon can accommodate 4,756 and 986tOUTislSlday.
Based on ii, Ihe physical carrying capacity ir /29,904 tourist31day. Ecological carrying
capacity obtained after considering correction/actor of soil, water discharge, and grass, the
value ir 87,043 tourist31day. N(JWaday, ecological carrying capacity is not exceeded the
tourirt psychology carrying capacity when considering the CSl in each period, which still irl
the range of quite satisfied. | id |