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dc.contributor.authorHarlina, Eva
dc.contributor.authorPriyosuryanto, Bambang Pantjo
dc.contributor.authorRiadi, Yudi
dc.description.abstractEndothelial cells derived from femoralis artery of rabbit were succesfully cultured in vitro in liquid medium of Dulbeco modified essential medium-Ham’s F-12 (DME/F-12) and semi solid medium of collagen gel. The cells cultured in liquid medium grew and formed colony with a pattern of monolayer sheet. They were round to oval and spindle in shape. The cells were grown in collagen gel by using floating and gel-embedded system to show their three-dimensional structure. The growth pattern of the cells cultured in both collagen gel systems showed a formation of irregular fibrous-like structure, elongated cells and colony with duct-like structure as well as radiating projection pattern and formation of a large lumen like structure. Histological findings using Haematoxylin and Eosin staining showed development of a compact cell colony which formed a monolayer sheet with a cell layer of fibroblast and a thin collagen layer. Immunohistochemically, endothelial cells showed positive reaction for anti-Factor VIII Related-Ag (F VIII R-Ag), with smooth fiber pattern in cytoplasm running along the cell
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleStudi In Vitro Biakan Sel Endotel Kelinci pada Media Cair dan Semi Padatid

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