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dc.contributor.authorKadarisman, Darwin
dc.contributor.authorArintawati, Muti
dc.description.abstractTangerine juice (garut variety) at 5000 ml was evaporated at 0,10, 20 and 30 minutes. Concentrate yielded by the process were tested for their volume, water content, TSS, viscosity, pH, acid, sugar and ascorbic acid content. Hedonic test was applied to evaluate the sensory changes. In this experiment, cellulose acetate was used to ahorp limonin causing bitterness. By paired comparison, it was proved that 0.42 g cellulose per 50 ml reconstituted concentrate has already decreased the juice bitterness for garut variety and 0.52 g cellulose acetate per 50 nzl reconstituted for Pontianak variety. This ahorption treatment by using cellulose acetate concentration up to 0.6 g per 50 ml juice did not affect chemical constituents (TSS, pH, acid, sugar and ascorbic acid content).id
dc.publisherIPB (Bogor Agricultural University)
dc.titleMempelajari Perubahan Fisika dan Kimia Sari Buah Jeruk Siam (C. nobilis var microcarpa) dan Proses Pengurangan Rasa Pahit dalam Pembuatan Konsentratid

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