dc.description.abstract | Field trial effectivity of SOLUT-ION as trigger in paraquat herbicide application aims to determine the effect of SOLUT-ION on the effectiveness of paraquat herbicide formulation on weed controlling in immature (TBM) palm oil. The experiment was conducted at immature plant (TBM) palm oil, IPS Cikabayan Field Experiment, Darmaga, Bogar, Jawa Barat on May 2014 until September 2014. The experiment was conducted using random design block with four replication. The treatment test are : Control without sprayed (81), Paraquat 3.0 1/ha (82), Paraquat 3.0 1/ha + Solut-ion 1.0 1/ha (B3), Paraquat 2.0 1/ha (84), Paraquat 2.0 1/ha +Solut-ion 1.0 1/ha (85), Paraquat 1.0 1/ha (86), Paraquat 1.0 1/ha + Solut-ion 1.0 1/ha (87), Parakuat 1.0 1/ha + Solut-ion 2.0 1/ha (88). The unit experiment are weeds under three disc plant immature palm oil. The experiment results show that the addition of Solut-ion on paraquat application can increase weed controlling
effectivity on immature (TBM) palm oil at the experiment. Dominant weeds on site are Ottochloa nodosa, Paspalum conjugatum, Axonoupus compressus and Penissetum po/ystachion can be controlled with paraquat 1.0 1/ha + Solut-ion 1 .0 1/ha application. Paraquat application on all tested doses causing no phytotoxicity symptom in immature palm oil. The addition of Solut-ion can reduce paraquat application doses and reduce paraquat residue on palm oil disc plant soil | id |